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Water deferrization using homemade aerator

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On the ground, almost no single natural source, which would contain the water suitable for prolonged use. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed by the relevant departments. Therefore, water treatment organization - one of the main challenges facing the owners of suburban areas. Of course, that create water purification plant should only be based on a comprehensive laboratory analysis of water from your source. But, given that the iron content exceeds the permissible limits almost everywhere, no one system can not be called high-grade water purification without the aerator.

Today we talk about building a wastewater treatment plant based on the aerator (pressure-free aeration tower) on its own.

Overview of aeration

Aeration is called saturation of water with oxygen process (mostly process - forced) to clean it from iron, manganese and other oxidizable compounds. Simply put, it is a substance which, after entry into the reaction with the oxygen take-insoluble form and drop out as sediment. Subsequent filtration or sedimentation can remove water from the resultant precipitate, which contains contaminants.

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During aeration the main catalyst for removing harmful impurities from the water is oxygen contained in the air. In other words, aeration means reagentless deferrization water - most efficient iron removal from known methods.

Another purification method, of which the efficiency is no doubt, is the following: iron removal by means of chemical catalysts (passing the water through an activated carbon, porous aluminosilicate with a special coating or other special filler).

In aggregate, both these methods help to achieve excellent results.

In serious water treatment aeration systems it is only one of the stages and demanganation iron removal process. At this stage, the water saturated with oxygen (for further and complete iron oxidation using catalysts) and dissolved gases are removed.

It is necessary to distinguish between the pressureless and the pressure of the aeration system. The design pressure of aeration systems provides for closed aerator (contact chamber) in which the oxygen saturation is made via a compressor. In such a system, no loss of water pressure, so the diluting water line falls under pressure which creates a pump (pump station) of the first lifting. the second lift pump is not required for pressure system.

The main elements of the pressure aeration system:

  • Feed line with strainer.
  • The compressor pumps air to the aeration column.
  • Aeration column with an air valve (with air vent).
  • Filter obezzhelezivateli.

To make their own pressure aeration system more complicated than its free-flow analog. In this case, the reliability in comparison with the free-flow aeration system can also be questioned.

Andre.voda (User FORUMHOUSE):
Gravity aeration works better and more reliable pressure! Consider a variant with pressure aeration: Why are only leakage arising from blockage bleed... A failure of a check valve and flow sensor failures... If the compressor is stood up in the pressure aeration, everything - kirdyk: oxidation not, and iron does not drop.

Considering all of the above, consider the option of setting it free-flow aeration system, especially since most of the "experimenters" of our practice portal namely the creation of such systems.

In the case of pressureless aeration using an aerator open type, wherein the water pressure loss occurs. Therefore, such systems require the presence of an additional pump (pump station) of the second lifting diluting feed water in line. Aerator in this case serves as a storage tank, while allowing to solve the problem with providing a certain reserve of water for the water distribution system.

Scheme water treatment system based on a gravity column aeration

Schematically, a water treatment system that works on the principle of a gravity aeration, as follows.


  • A delivery pipe of the pump and the first lift mechanical strainer.
  • aeration unit with the second lift pump.
  • Filter obezzhelezivateli.
  • Block fine water.
  • Drainage pipe for flushing the system.

Consider the elements shown in more detail.


The main element of the flow line (not consider themselves pipes) is a pump (pump station) of the first lifting. Without this device can be dispensed only if the water is supplied for the installation of centralized water supply system. If water is swinging from a well or wells, the flow of the ordinary can be installed subsurface pump.

The need to install strainer each defines for himself.

If for adjusting the water supply in the aeration tank the float valve is used, the coarse filter (sump), holding large mechanical impurities protects the valve from sticking. If the pump control of the first lifting equipment is used, the feed pipe and do can be operated without filters.

Operator (User FORUMHOUSE):
The filters - this time on their washing and maintenance. Without filters all debris from the hole and iron deposits remain in the storage. For a year I have there about 5 cm of sediment at the bottom is going. In the summer I open drain and wash out the sediment in the water drain. Otherwise, all this will have to clean the filters. So I removed all the filters that foolish guided in the filling system. I shake all of the wells in the tank. Rubbish left on the bottom.

aeration unit

The main element of the aeration unit is an aeration tank in which there is a saturation of water with oxygen, the iron oxidation and precipitation of primary sludge.

To create the aerator is possible to use a container having a specialized purpose and having the structure providing the possibility backwash. For example, in the photo provided specialized container volume of 1 m³.

Also, the aerator can be made of container intended for the filtration of water in swimming pools. However, some users of our portal using conventional plastic barrels for storing food.

valexs (User FORUMHOUSE):
From the deep well pump, water is supplied into the drum 250 liters.

Volume of working capacity is a very important indicator. According to user valexs, aerator with a capacity of 250 liters of water provides a family of 4 people. At the same deficit in the water no one feels. For the year it spent approximately 94 cubic meters of water (200-300 liters per day).

As you can see, the system is quite efficient. If the planned water flow you have more, the volume of the container can be increased. Aerator volume of 1000 liters, for example, allows purified water to provide not only a country house, but also a system for watering the garden. Some users engage in the creation of the aeration unit of two vessels: one comes settling of water, and of the other made its consumption.

Start the process of aeration in the tank to help ordinary method dushirovaniya. It is a spray of water coming into the tank at a predetermined pressure.

Very simple way: from the well type in the tank through the diffuser for the soul. Water is not just pouring, and pouring from Dusík, under high pressure, saturated with oxygen. Almost immediately, the water becomes turbid and starts to precipitate iron.

It is very important after the filling of the container allow the water to settle. Otherwise, all the main filter in the system after cleaning the aeration tank, quickly clogged.

According to our users, to fully defend water is required at least 36 hours. Therefore, the larger the volume of the aeration tank, the easier to exploit. After all, if adjust the equipment to fill the aerator in small portions, the time spent on the water sedimentation, hardly be felt.

The effectiveness of the shower head can be significantly increased. So, for example, the user entered valexs. He has established over the aeration tank ordinary plastic bucket (upside down). Water from the spray gun under high pressure hits the bottom of a plastic bucket. This leads to the formation of water mist and more efficient mixing of the liquid with oxygen.

The sprayer built into the container lid, wherein the drilled hole for draining water enriched with oxygen.

Top in a bucket mounted corrugation. It provides a link capacity with the atmosphere and prevents splashing flowing water.

Water Sampling and filling aerator

Nozzle selection of water from the tank should be set at a level that does not allow the precipitate formed to fall in the water main.

Water from the tank must be taken not from the bottom, and about 30% higher than the bottom. Then the sediment does not get into the system.

Relative levels of the pump on and off the first lift: pump start sensor must be located above the water level of the selection of the aerator. This will create a certain margin of settled water, which can be used even in the process of filling the tank. In this case, the amount neotstoyavsheysya water entering into the pipe line, will be minimal, and with mechanical suspensions easily cope fine filters.

Kilby (User FORUMHOUSE):
Supply water feed inclusion level is set so that between it and the water intake level of the pumping station was at least 100 liters of water. This volume and the contact time is sufficient for the smooth operation of the system.

The system controlling the water supply is of two types: manual and automatic (based on electronic sensors).

An example of a mechanical system - this is the usual float from the toilet tank. Its design is very simple, and deficiencies immediately apparent. It is almost impossible to adjust: the pump is activated as soon as the water falls below the upper level. This process takes place with the "enviable" intervals that do not allow water to stand for quality.

Automatic system consisting of electrical sensors, enables or disables the flow of water at certain levels. What is much more practical.

Konstantin11 (User FORUMHOUSE):
Rod control frogs (all four frogs: two workers and two emergency). Capacity is filled with 80% (maximum). Subsurface pump is activated when the vessel is about 100 liters of water, and turned off when it is dialed about 800 liters.

Fitting reassurance as emergency sensors is important. If the pump will not turn in a timely manner, nothing terrible will happen. The present disaster can grasp holder aeration installation, if the pump is turned off after filling the container.

Here's how to insure the premises of a possible "flood" is one of our users.

I also have a three-tier system of insurance against overfilling the barrel: electric float, mechanical float and sink outside in livnevki.

second lift pump

second lift pump provides a stable pressure in the whole tap wiring. Also with it the water is supplied to the filter-obezzhelezivateli and fine filters.

pump should be used for operation of the pumping station, the second lift equipped system Automatic on-off switch which is triggered by a signal pressure sensors (which are desirably duplicate).

The picture shows the second lift pump (standing to the right of the tank). Clearly visible drain pipe. Also clearly visible pressure sensors which, because of the propensity to stick stand with covers removed. Well, they are duplicated, and sticking do not affect the performance of the system. Poorly visible strainer and non-return valve, but they are needed there.

Almost all systems have a pump at the outlet of the aerator. But the users of our portal has its own view of things. For example, it is believed that if the pumping station should immediately after the aerator, then it accumulates unoxidized iron, which pollutes not only the pump, but also to control the sensors. For this reason, it is advisable to have the pumping station after the filter-obezzhelezivateli. This conclusion is hard to disagree, especially since the author of the concept (the user - Operator), was able to gather a working unit in accordance with a non-standard scheme.

Choosing the second lift pump should be, based on the hydraulic characteristics of the device. Also of considerable importance is the manufacturer's reputation.

Filter obezzhelezivateli filled

The basic weight of iron contained in water precipitates to the bottom of the aeration tank. But for better cleaning we definitely need additional filter system. To get rid of residual unoxidized iron serves obezzhelezivateli filter. It is a vertical column with a bulk contents.

morteh (User FORUMHOUSE):
The column is a plastic tube of 300 mm diameter and 2000 mm height. Bedplate (stainless steel b = 8 mm) is screwed through the rubber seal bolts M8h40 increments - 40 mm. Cover - the same as the bedplate, just in the center of welded stainless steel spigot 3/4 "and 60 mm from it - the same second.

In this case, the used polyethylene pipe, while serial installations design involves the use of fiberglass.

Determining the volume of the filter for its system, should be guided by the dimensions of standard systems: their diameter varies between - 6 to 16 inches, and height - 17-65 inches. The exact volume of the filter (as well as the volume of filler) can be calculated by knowing the characteristics of filling the water flow and level of impurities.

Determining the level of loading of the filter should be taken into account that during the washing time, or the regeneration bed of filler is increased by reverse water pressure. Taking into account expansion coefficient, a filler filling the catalytic filter must be approximately 60%.

Internal construction obezzhelezivateli arranged so that it receives water from the top, then It passed through a bed of catalyst filling and after entering the water main (through pipe Lower fence).

To the central pipe sleeves cap screwed on the end of the tube - a slit filter assembled. When the lid is mounted on the column, this filter does not reach the bottom of approximately 30-50 mm. On the drain spigot screwed into the lid, and put a slit filter. It is necessary to backwash time in the column is not eluted filling.

Suction tube passes through the entire bed of catalytic filler.

In some cases it is possible overshoot of aerator solids in filter-obezzhelezivateli (if water aerator has not yet had time to settle, if the house turn on the tap at the time of filling and aeration capacity etc.). Therefore, it is desirable to protect obezzhelezivateli by setting the output of the filter aerator mechanical cleaning.

For example, after my tank (or rather, between it and the second lift station) is the usual sump.

Filler for iron removers best to choose one that does not require additional regeneration. It is characterized by easy maintenance, which reduces to inverse filter periodic flushing water flow. Fillers on the market of this type are represented in large numbers.

With a small iron content of iron removal may use silica sand. It is also well established following excipients: activated charcoal and silica-alumina, coated with oxides of iron and manganese.

An example of a filler which requires periodic regeneration with acids or salt, is an ion exchange resin.

In order to decide on the kind of filler and its amount, necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the raw water in the source and study the properties of one or another filling.

Filter materials chosen itself - on the basis of water analyzes and technical descriptions of the filter media. In the left column: at the bottom of the quartz sand (it sits tube), then industrial filler. On the right - the softener.

This user has implemented a two-stage cleaning system with a combined filler. The first stage is used to remove iron residues (neuspevshih oxidized in aerator) for mechanical cleaning, the second - the water softener.

Pressure gauges embedded in the trunk, allow you to control the degree of filter clogging.

flushing filters

Even if the filling of the filter-obezzhelezivateli does not need regeneration, then in service owner will still have to periodically wash it. Therefore, all the most self-filters (including capacity for iron removal and aeration) should be equipped with a bypass and drain line.

It is necessary to establish some additional valves, and the wash line allows to let the water flow in the reverse direction (substantially directly from the source). Drain line can be displayed in the sewer system or livnevki.

Barrel with a catalyst washed regularly backflow. There is a crane on a barrel in the six states. And at the exit to obezzhelezivateli is the usual filter - cartridge 0.5 microns. Aerator for what I did the washing system: at the bottom of the barrel with a tap drain, once a year, open drain, and simultaneously filling, flushing sediment in a sewer.

Periodicity washing obezzhelezivateli and each other filter determines for itself. It depends on the degree of water contamination, the volume of consumption and from backfilling characteristics (its tendency to caking). In details about washing periodicity you can read in a special section of our website.

To ensure high quality wash water flow in the return flow has a flow rate of 2-3 times the working stream. The pressure in the flushing line must be at least 2.5-3 atm. (Possible, but care must be taken so that the filling can not stand the drain).

If the second lift pump has no sufficient capacity for the washing can be set additional pumping station.

Regeneration of the filler is a little different from the usual washing. After all, in the process of regeneration to a wash pipe must add special reagents (which is - depending on the variety of filler). Initially, the filler is washed with water to remove mechanical impurities and loosened simultaneously (within 15-20 min minute). Then, the washing line with pump and the additional tank is supplied reagent (solution of salt, acids and the like. D.). In the final stage of regeneration is performed by flushing the filler reagent.

When washing the switching valve for washing backward and half an hour chasing teas. Then I am applying salt slowly and rest again. Finally I wash out the salt container. During the washing pressure in the filter - 4 atmospheres, so all there is boiling and boils. I hear sheburshitsya cation exchanger.

So, we have described the construction site water treatment system, which is responsible for getting rid of water from iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide and other oxidizable impurities. Guided by the analysis of the source water, the system can be equipped with a fine filter and combined through main filters (for disinfection, softener and so on. D.).

How efficient iron removal station to collect their own hands, Can be found in the corresponding FORUMHOUSE topic. Here the users of our portal to share their tips and practical experience. On various methods of getting rid of water from iron can be found in a specially created for this section. Article wellbore device of Abyssinian tell you about a simple and affordable way for you to provide water to the country house. And in video about the creation of the box considered practical idea that permits a modern and reliable water supply system from the well to a country house.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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