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Ants on the land: how to get rid of unwanted "neighbors"

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10 cards that explain how to be, if at their summer cottage or in a home bred ants, ants harm any garden, what does not, and how to win this fight

"In the kitchen garden ants rush crowd - there is much need to" Aardvark "to fill all?" - this cry Member of the soul of our portal are ready to support hundreds of thousands of owners of suburban areas of our countries. Ants can really put garden and kitchen garden great harm; they can penetrate into the house. We have prepared 10 cards that explain the danger of ants and how to get rid of them.


  • What are the ants live on the site
  • How and why ants aphids bred
  • How to get rid of ants forever
  • How to destroy the ants in the area Baits
  • How to get rid of ants in the greenhouse and the house.

What ants can be got at the site?

In the regions of Russia is found about 300 species of ants. A domestic concept of "garden ant" combines a few of them. Suburban areas are the most common black garden and Formica rufa, at least - the yellow house and garden.

Formica rufa

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This large insect about a centimeter in length. These ants build huge nests with impressive underground storeys. Spreads, distributes and protects the aphids. Devour the flowers of fruit trees and shrubs.

Black garden ant

Small black or dark brown ants with a long body of 5 mm, but it is the largest "breeder" aphids. Can completely destroy the seeds in the ground.

Ground or yellow garden

Too small a length of 0.5 mm. Not breed aphids, but feed on the fruits of fruit trees and berries. Build underground nests, and damage the roots of trees.

Houses, he's a pest, he's pharaohs, who is also the ship's ant

After settling in the area, quickly penetrates into the greenhouse, house or farm building. Tiny, up to 3 mm in length. Eats everything what can get from stocks in the kitchen cupboard to feed.

What harm plot cause ants, except that diluted aphids?

  • Acidifying the soil. It is a scientific fact - ants secrete a substance that prevents the growth and development of plants.
  • Harm the root system of plants. The amount of damage depends on the population.
  • Destroy the fruits and ovaries with high carbohydrate content (if the population of ants on a large plot, the insects begin to eat sweet fruits and berries), buds and petals of roses and peonies.
  • Spoil the seed and seedling roots. If ants in the area a lot, underground floors are anthills in breadth and depth, and the ants begin to eat seeds and roots that are located near their homes.
  • Spread the weeds (drag over the site of the seeds).
  • Steal from human foods on Kroshechka drag them into your anthill.

But ants do not spread infectious diseases?

In fact, they can. In search of food, they can creep into the garbage in compost pits, and so on. N. It is known that houses ants can cause helminthiasis.

The section of the crowd wandering ants and ant can not find what's wrong?

Garden ants live in underground nests. It is a complex system of oval cells, connected maze of passages. But over the nests of these intelligent insects often build a small hill, it is called "ant point." It is well warmed by the sun, and it is actively developing offspring.

How and why ants aphids bred?

In aphids thin skin, she constantly loses moisture, and is forced to continuously suck sap from plants. And, like a cow produces milk and aphids - honeydew that ants just love. Therefore, they look after the aphids, like for your pet: carry it on a new, young and succulent plants, protect against ladybirds and other entomophags for the winter take to their nests.

Is it true that ants milk aphids, as people - cows?

Yes. Ants tickling aphid antennae, and it secretes honeydew. Some species of aphids are capable of releasing a drop of honeydew every minute. Ants and aphids can not live without each other, however, to display a portion of ants, aphids, and must be destroyed.

Can I get rid of ants in the area forever?

No, they will always creep up from the wild or from neighboring areas. But if you keep their population under control, and they will not cause any garden and vegetable garden as though something significant damage.

What is the remedy for ants is the best?

Boric acid. On this basis makes a lot of baits, which the ants treat the uterus, and thus, an ant colony is not simply moved to another place, and dies.

At the doses used for ant baits, boric acid is absolutely harmless to humans, animals and plants. Most of the good and expensive means of ants from the store are made on its basis.

In second place on the effectiveness - ammonia, but not ammonia and ammonium chloride NH 4 Cl. For people it is harmless to plants - nitrogen fertilizer. Sold in stores radio and electrical.

A recipe baits tell something?

And here he is: pour into a beaker 2 tablespoons of warm water, add 1/3 teaspoon of boric acid (worth a penny, it is sold in a pharmacy), a tablespoon of sugar. This basic solution, it can be improved by adding another spoon jam or honey. Pour the solution into the saucer, put next to an anthill. The solution should be changed every 2-3 days.

The dose of the boric acid can not increase - from this worker ants will die immediately and not have time to infect the uterus.

But they say, you can kill ants using yeast?

This is also a very good way:

  • cake yeast raw chop finely,
  • put "volume to volume" of their sugar,
  • pour warm, but not hot water,
  • mix,
  • arrange saucers with this treat about "ant points."

The ants will be happy, grateful and quickly peretaskat refreshments inside the nest, the other sweet reserves. And then the yeast will ferment, destroy all ant food. After this colony extinct local human catastrophe.

Is it true that to get rid of ants is very good millet?

Yes, this is one of the best folk ways. But sprinkled with "ant point" millet should be thick, richly and repeatedly. Participant from our website for three times poured on an ant's nest about 2 kg of millet, and the ants are gone.
It is not known why millet helps to get rid of ants on their summer cottage. There is a version that the ants confused grits with eggs, and begin to take care of her, but the real eggs thrown.

How to scare ants on the beds, there is a safe method? I would not want to get poisonous harvest

Ants will not come back on a bed, if you apply gentle way that will not harm the crop and he will be fit for food:

  •  overwind oregano grinder and mixed with finely divided sulfur in a ratio of 1: 2;
  • dry grind the bark of pine trees and mixed with slaked lime in a ratio of 1: 1.

Composition densely fill in the aisles and on the paths between the beds strip width 4-5 cm and dig the ground.

You can get rid of ants on the dacha soda solution?

Not. But it is possible to reduce their numbers. Ants are likely to go away from this place, but settled on the other. But try, if you like: in the usual 1.5 liter plastic bottle have to pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda, top to pour hot water and stir until soda is dissolved. Pour the entire bottle in the "ant point" and fill it with sand. You can simply sprinkle ant places soda, or soda, mixed with mustard powder. Upon contact with the killed ants soda.

How to get rid of ants from the berry bushes?

The first appearance of ants spray bush solution of ammonia (1.5 v. spoon on a bucket of water). Before spraying solution insist half hour.

How to drive the ants from the greenhouse?

This is a difficult task; in a greenhouse usually settle brownies, they are also of Pharaoh ants, the most tenacious and cunning. To solve it, you need to:

  • Find entries in the ant nest (to track the paths of ants). The entrance will be under the heating pipes or irrigation systems in the frame counter and t. D.
  • Mark piece natural felt (ideally) or any wetness tissue (good) size of a small plate.
  • Wear a dust mask, goggles and drip from the bottle on the felt or cloth ammonia to them completely wet.
  • Put it on the entrance to the nest, the top cover piece of polyethylene. The windows and doors to keep the greenhouse open.
  • If necessary, repeat the treatment after two weeks.

What chemicals from ants praise usersFORUMHOUSE?

"Aardvark" and all means to tune the names and a similar principle of operation, (ampoule per bucket). Good reviews from "clean house", "the great warrior" and other similar tools, which are sold in a syringe.


The gel in the syringe - this is the theme. It makes them clean during the week, with a radical decrease in the number reached on the second day. I applied, but only in the home - six-legged villains every May want to make squatting.


The main thing in dealing with ants in the area - a sequence (they come back and have to start all over from start), and integrity (on the site should be only one host) and an understanding of how to construct formic family. We do not recommend practicing methods that simply banish ants from their seats. It is important to destroy the queen, and then the end will come an ant colony. Just consider and consultant FORUMHOUSE, an agronomist with the nickname Sodmaster.


ants Destruction makes sense if the queen is alive, which in a short time can give birth to himself a new entourage. The uterus itself does not feed - it fed the worker ants. But if in fact, than it is fed, pour poison to kill the queen, the worker ants run away or die, deprived of leadership and national idea. Gel and poison baits are working on this principle. Usual boric acid with sugar syrup does not kill immediately - ant time to bring the "treat" to Queen, which get drunk, dies in pain.

There are quite a few ways to deal with ants, for every occasion fits his. All of them are discussed in the thread of our forum "How to get rid of the ants-2». Learn how kill ants in the house. Check out our article about what the ants are not only enemies, but also assistant gardener. Watch a video about how to build a light garden, where even vermin not particularly bother the plants.

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