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Saving cucumbers from yellowing: correct agricultural

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Why yellow cucumbers and what to do

Why yellow cucumbers what they want? Everything was done according to the technology, with the soul, around the seedling just with a tambourine did not dance, fertilized, watered - and they are still yellow. In this article, we talk about the causes of yellowing cucumber leaves, ovaries and fruits, and on how to help plants become again fresh and healthy.


  • Why yellow cucumbers and which provide feeding
  • Watering for yellow cucumbers
  • Why do leaves turn yellow cucumber: looking for ticks
  • Do cucumbers turn yellow ovary: what is the reason

In cucumber leaves turn yellow: they are hungry!

Cucumbers - one of the most responsive on plant care. This is not a pumpkin, which "planted and forgotten." For them to properly care for, and, of course, feed.

If clumps of cucumber yellow, it's most likely to lack of fertilizer.

Cucumbers necessarily have to "feed", but the essential elements they need - nitrogen and potassium.


Participant FORUMHOUSE

Here it is necessary to feed them constantly and intensively, which I do not, and I have a yellow ovary and hello dear! How many collapses, podkormlyu

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and get things going!

Thinness is that during the life growing plants and the desired ratio of nitrogen in the feeding of calcium varies. Ideally, there should be as follows:

And you should always look at the state of the plant. It happens that the plant itself is developing so rapidly that even scary to look at, but bad fruits. hence, it is necessary to reduce nitrogen and add potassium (Often used legendary extract of wood ash).

And if the plant bear fruit, like a machine gun, and suddenly refused to give, it is necessary to harvest give it a rest and increase the number of nitrogen application approximately one and a half weeks; then again, they diminished.

The best organic fertilizer for cucumbers - chicken manure. In it, in addition to nitrogen, concentrated depth of trace elements needed by a cucumber. The only problem is that the right to dissolve the fertilizer with water: if water the cucumbers are too strong solution can burn them.

Another great "home" fertilizer for cucumbers - the above-mentioned an extract of wood ash. This is an excellent nutrient solution which contains half the periodic table and well digested vegetable crops. For cucumbers it is not a luxury but a harsh necessity.

How to make an extract of wood ash

Three liters of wood ash to fill in seven liters of boiling water, per day. Before watering plant extracts liter and 10 liters of water.



This complex fertilizer comprising potassium, phosphorus, silica, lime, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cesium.

Why yellow cucumbers too many ovaries

Very few people know, but the common cause of yellowing cucumber bushes - the excess of the ovaries. Quite often on the same plant produces a huge amount of the ovaries, and even if the cucumber normally fed, they just do not have enough food.



Root unable to bring up embryos; yellow - otschipnite and all the cases. And choose productive hybrids, some several times from one place to the fetus.

Yellow leaves of cucumber: they are thirsty

If everything is fine dressing, and the number of ovaries within reason, the cause is most likely in the wrong watering or adverse temperature conditions.

Watering Cucumbers should be correct: well, regularly, but do not pour. These plants do not have to sit back in a puddle. Focus should be on the weather: if it is so humid, without irrigation, then fine. But it is better to water often and not very abundant than rare and long hours. The latter - a direct path to yellowing and loss of productivity.

And one more rule that almost all neglected: the cucumber can not stand the cold water, like a warm, from the tank, heated by the sun per day.

If watered cucumber bushes cold water, they form a hooked off.

Why do leaves turn yellow cucumber: cold plants

Any cold, "bad" summer with sudden changes in daytime and nighttime temperatures need to be ready to yellow cucumbers. In the greenhouse help plastic bottles of water, which is heated during the day and at night give off heat plants. Outdoors save warm bed if the "legs" of cucumber in the heat, then no harvest gardener left.


Participant FORUMHOUSE

Cucumbers are always a lot. But bed - always warm.

Yellow leaves of cucumber: look for pests

Yellow cucumbers and from diseases and pests. Here, prevention is always preferable to treatment. Experienced gardeners periodically dusted plants wood ashes, and sprayed with tincture:

  • tobacco;
  • garlic;
  • potato leaves;
  • tomato foliage;
  • onion peel;
  • potassium permanganate (3 g in 10 liters of water) every two weeks for the prevention of mildew.

At the first appearance of yellow spots on the leaves of the plants treated with copper oxychloride solution (30 grams per 10 liters of water).

The main enemies of cucumber among pests - spider mite and Aphis gossypii.

From tick great help:

  • Onion: 100 grams of onion (turnip) grind, pour 10 liters of water, brew day. Spray 2-3 times every 5 days.
  • Onion skins: 200 grams of peels Pour 10 liters of water. Infuse 5 days, sprayed 3 times every 5 days.
  • Mustard powder: 20 grams of powder, pour a liter of water, leave for two days. Spray 2-3 times every 5 days.
  • Dandelion: 200-300 grams of crushed leaves, pour 10 liters of water, leave for 2-3 hours, to spray once.
  • Suckers leaves and tomato: Grind 2 kg of fresh leaves, pour 5 liters of water, boiled for half an hour to cool. Before use, dilute with water to 1 4. Spray once.

And one of the most effective and harmless means of aphid is considered regular cola.


Participant FORUMHOUSE

I have ants seated melon aphids on cucumbers and melons. Diluted cola processed aphid dies, and ants are disoriented, wandering on the sheet. You can handle often.


Yellowing bushes cucumber - the problem of unpleasant, but easily removable. Typically it occurs due to:

  • lack of light;
  • bad pollination (better to choose self-pollinated varieties);
  • inadequate feeding;
  • too much of the ovaries;
  • too cold air and soil temperature;
  • fungal pests or diseases;
  • lack of crop rotation (cucumbers several years planted in the same place).

If the time to track down the problem, it can be fairly easy to fix. And we should always remember that prevention is better than cure. When the correct agricultural plants suffer ten times less than if not.

Have a good harvest!

On FORUMHOUSE can be discussed any question cucumber, Learn how grow cucumbers on bicycle wheels and how to get a good crop of cucumbers cold and rainy summer. We collected great recipes for you cucumber blanks from our forum. Watch a video on how to make earthworms work on the fertile soil of your site, and another - about the selection of cucumber and radish.

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