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What it is forbidden to do on his summer cottage.

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Suburban area is, of course, private property, but still in Russian legislation there are a number of prohibitions, to be followed by growing plants on it and using it.
The documents specified area designation. Closely examine it and, finding the point at which a given individual housing construction and private farming, you can safely build a house on it, sheds, barns, sheds. The owners of these sites have the right to grow up on their agricultural crops and ornamental plants. But do not forget that the owners should not violate the rights of other owners, and the country's legislation.
It is forbidden to environmental degradation
Russian Federation Land Code stipulates that none of the owners has the right to clutter up your site, as well as prevent degradation of land. It is forbidden to dig into the ground solid waste can not be disposed. This waste such as glass, plastic, metal, and other similar materials. In that case, if the owner will arrange on your site like a dump, it brought to administrative responsibility.

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Negative impact on the environment and neighboring areas, is a strong base, to attract the owner responsible. Go to civil court and be responsible before the law, the owner of the suburban area is for draining of sewage on adjacent territory, the use of banned chemicals, flooding of land, as well as many other activities, which bring substantial harm to the environment environment.
How to use the subsoil plot
Almost every site there is a well from which water is taken for irrigation beds. If its amount per day will be more than 100 cubic meters, the owner of the need to issue a license to extract groundwater. Illegal use of mineral resources also leads to administrative liability and penalty.
Growing cultures illicit
If you decide to grow up on his site plants containing a narcotic substance, be prepared not only to administrative penalties, but also criminal. The Russian government approved list, which identifies plants that grow in the beds is prohibited. These include certain types of mushrooms, cacti, poppy, hemp and other plants.

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