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If the leaves have yellow orchid what to do?

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Often growers are faced with a problem as yellowing leaves from Phalaenopsis. It should help the flower, if this phenomenon took on a mass character. In the case of old yellowed sheet, then it is normal, it will change in the future on new foliage. And do not worry. But if the yellow leaves have more than one page, it is necessary to urgently take appropriate measures. How to rescue the orchid?

The reasons for the yellowing of leaves

Causes yellowing of the leaves of Phalaenopsis may be:

· Irregular watering;

· Incorrectly selected location data;

· Damage growing points;

· Fungal disease.


Frequently the problem stems from excessive irrigation and moistening of the substrate, where the plant grows. Constant moisture adversely affect the air exchange roots. It may start rotting roots that affects the leaves - they turn yellow and lose turgor. If no action is taken, it will turn yellow and the stem, and the plant will die at all.

If the pot overabundance of moisture, it can be understood by the following features:

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1. Permanent presence of condensate in the pot (it is noticeable pot code transparent).

2. Constantly wet bark in a pot.

3. Some of the roots of the orchid started to rot.

It is recommended to plant phalaenopsis in a clear pot to time to see the processes of decay or waterlogged.

What you need to take action

1. Stop glaze, with minor signs of damage (e.g., one sheet turned yellow).

2. If there is a lot of yellowing leaves, and roots of the plant have begun to rot, it is necessary to remove the orchid from the substrate, cleaned of roots damaged, remove the yellow leaves. Then put in a new substrate is prepared and spray only the leaves on the flower during resuscitation.

Lack of moisture

If the flower is not enough moisture, it can be seen from the whitened backs. Perhaps under normal watering is not enough moisture, the substrate is not completely moistened. The best option for irrigation - a full immersion plant (along with the pot) into the water.

hard water

Water with high salt content, that is harsh, to the plant is considered to be harmful. A sign that a lot of salt in the water constituents, are whitish deposits on the walls of the pot. In this case, you should remove the plant from the container, rinse the roots of a soft little water.

Excess salt can cause all sorts of fertilizers overdosing.

Lack of light or an excess

Insufficient light can cause yellowing of leaves. In addition, when a little-lit area stretched shoots, leaves sometimes fall. In this case, move the flower to a lighted window sill.

In bright sunlight the leaves can get burns across the plate sheet and begin to turn yellow. In this situation, remove the plant from the scorching sunlight, increase the watering and spraying the leaves. Find him a more suitable place, and watch how it will behave in the future.

Damaged growing point

This damage characteristic of Phalaenopsis having a stem in one amount. Wherein the growth is situated at the top of the stem, and it rots often if damaged mechanically. Leaves turn yellow color, then yellow stems and roots itself. growing point often rots and constant contact with the moisture on it. In this case it is necessary to remove the decayed part hydrogen peroxide to treat the wound surface, and stop at the time of watering.

fungal diseases

Infections generally occur as a result of waterlogging plants, as well as in the flower can be got pests like mites root. The flower should be treated with a fungicide.

Now that you know how to help the orchids if she began to massively turn yellow leaves.

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