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From whistles to the service: amazing clay

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Ceramics... malleable clay, learn the experienced hands of craftsmen, passed through fire and water, and has become a jug for oil, a coffee cup, a bright tiles, fabulous and fun toy whistles. ceramics manufacturing secrets were known to our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. In China, 2,000 years before our era did not just pottery - in the course has been porcelain. A first mention of potters and their products can be found in the Old Testament. In an age of space technology and electronic gadgets, we continue to enjoy the fruits of ancient crafts - pouring coffee in the morning porcelain cup, sending in the oven Roast in a clay pot and decorating the house with exquisite figurines - reminders of a wonderful trip and others.

Towards the furnace

Twenty years Master Vitaly Gychev Barnaul engaged in pottery. His first lap, while still a boy, he built from the player: dug out on the creek clay, LP, began turning it brown lump. Magic pitcher then failed to do. But today in the hands of masters born wonders - ancient Russian Krynki and Kvasnikov, stately amphorae and vases.

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Vitaly Gychev potter:
- To work for virtually any clay. However, if the clay thin, with a high content of sand in our area, it is less plastic, small parts to mold of a material difficult. Therefore, the clay is first purified from impurities: dried, it is easier to disperse in water, and then day or two soaked in a vat - heavy sand particles are deposited, and the clay remains in suspension condition.

The liquid is passed through a clay - purified from the roots of plants and stones, and then for a long time kneaded like dough. This is necessary to expel the air from the clay, otherwise it will go on drying cracks. Before you get on the potter's wheel, it dries up again - the consistency of clay depends on the material type and what kind of product is planned to create a potter. According to Vitaly together with pilaf, the path from sketch to its full realization sometimes takes months.

Friends with a potter's wheel and mold a simple pot or cup on the first try does not work almost none of the newcomers. Therefore, if you have decided to try himself as a potter, do not worry, if the clay will not give in right away - patience and training, and now the product after drying, can be sent into the furnace.

The temperature at which the clay becomes malleable soft rock strength is 900-1000 degrees Celsius.

Vitaly Gychev:
- When calcination is critical point - 300 to 600 degrees, which must take place very smoothly. Clay may burst: when drying was somewhere skvoznyachok, clay dried out unevenly, and when heated it begins to break. Therefore, up to 30% of marriage - is common among potters.

Each master of pottery has its own secrets work.

Vitaly Gychev:
- My friend Omsk - potter with a lot of experience - as it came to my studio and asked, "Why are you not to turn your pots when sushish? They have in fact bottoms bulge. " And I, in order not to stick out when doing pot, inside hump at the bottom of leaving - he pulls the clay inside, and not outside.

Milk, lead glaze

Chernoloschenaya, krasnoloschenaya, obvarnaya, majolica... All kinds of varieties and methods of ceramic decoration for thousands of years have not invented the potters! After firing the raw clay has a porous structure and water tight, and therefore, such a dish can not be used in the kitchen. To make a waterproof material, old masters use processing techniques. According to Sergei Zatsarenskogo, A potter from Rostov-on-Don, the most popular - molochenie, scalded and ganozis.

Sergey Zatsarensky:
- Molochenie so called because the burned product is dipped into fat milk, and then calcined at a temperature of 300 degrees. Casein glues pores, clay becomes watertight, and the product acquires a beautiful color - from brown to black, and shiny. But to get the black stains from the chaotic spots, do scald: red-hot product is dipped in flour mash with yeast, bran and milk waste. Also, the clay is water, its waxing - This technology is called ganozis. Wax with oil slightly warmed, they heated the product is impregnated, and then polish with a cloth made of cloth or felt.

There are also new technologies - so that the facade ceramics for water resistance is now fashionable to impregnate AQUASTOP.

Inject color ceramics can not only with the help of milk, wax and flour mash. A rich palette of colors give mixtures of different mineral salts, ash and slag. Glaze copper and malachite stained blue, shades of blue, lead - in green, and so on.

Sergey Zatsarensky:
- In the old days, to get the color potters burn through a cast iron frying pan lead to the flour, sifted through a sieve. For green was added copper sulfate, for red - iron, for yellow - white lead and antimony, to brown - manganese oxide. The product itself smeared with grease and kerosene, sprinkled with cooked flour and put on roasting - adhering litharge formed a bright shiny glaze.

Krynki brilliant deep black color - it chernoloschenaya ceramics. This was made in the third millennium BC. In chernoloschenoy bowl long kisnet milk and cream, honey does not crystallize, it steadfastly maintains the temperature drops. The recipe for the black pots for centuries remained the same: first, the product form on a potter's wheel, dried and baked in an oven, then placed in a vat of sawdust and covered with a lid smoked. After that, rub to a shine.

Vitaly Gychev potter:
- The art of pottery is no longer today be utilitarian, and is decorative. Krynki Kvasnikov and is now rarely used for its intended purpose, and often get to decorate the interior. Although personally I am at home I like to cook and store food in pottery - is not only beautiful, but also very convenient.

The guest with Mallorca

The vertex transformation clay - bright majolica - a kind of ceramics, manufactured from clay with painted glazes. The technique of majolica tiles perform, dishes, figurines, decorative panels. The secret of this technology is still owned the master of ancient Egypt. But the truly popular painted pottery began in the Renaissance era, once in Italy, through the Spanish island of Mallorca - from geographic names and there was the term "majolica".

One of the major centers of majolica in Russia in the XVII century became Yaroslavl, where produced tiles for the decoration of churches and houses. Today Yaroslavl is famous for its ceramics - such crockery and sculptures do not make anywhere else in the world.

Create a bright statues begins with modeling clay miniatures. At this stage the future majolica is soft and pliable, and sculptor can even work out the details. Next, the master poured miniature plaster solution, which stiffening takes the form of sculptures. Then, the plaster mold is filled shnikerom - liquid clay solution. After a few minutes of free form shnikera and left to dry. After the plaster shackles removed, leaving a thin crock - after a few days he is sent into the furnace.

Fired ceramic piece is dipped in white enamel and painted matt glazed colors that instantly wither. This is an incredibly laborious process, because the artist is no room for error - if the hand tremble, excess stain is no longer painted over. After firing matte faded figure acquires brightness and gloss. It turns out this beauty here:

If you want to decorate your house with tiles, read the advice of our members of the forum in this topic. We also suggest a look at our video, Which gives details on the production of tiled tiles. Guidelines for choosing the right cookware for cooking in the oven, you will find here.

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