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How to make a swing wooden shutters

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Topics related to the self-production of furniture, as well as dedicated to carpentry work, causing increased interest among our portal. The focus of this article will fotoinstruktsiya on manufacturing rotary shutters wood from the portal user with the nickname QWEsad.

I have long planned to make wooden shutters, with in the first place does not put functionality and beauty of the blinds, which are part of the interior. Such designs are widely distributed in North America, and can be purchased at any hardware store. In Russia, I like wood blinds are not met, so I decided to make them yourself.

Just say that from idea to realization the dream in the "tree" passed 3 years.

There is a lack of time and user time with other things. What eventually happened, shows the following picture.

The result - more than impressive, so consider the more the process of manufacturing wooden blinds their own hands. In addition to the detailed drawings shutters dimensions that a user calculated on the Internet require materials (boards well dried) and

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tools for joinery. It is, first of all, special tools for drilling holes in workpieces.

As well as cutters for the slats.

All the above mentioned snap-in user is also purchased on the Internet, although it is now, because of rising prices, the jig for drilling would have done on their own.

Repeated blinds can be: deaf or rotating bar to change the angle of inclination of the center or side slats and the slats of different widths:

  • 32 mm.
  • 89 mm.
  • 63 mm.

It stopped on the last version QWEsadAnd decided to build on widespread in the "carpenter's shop" pine boards, and at the end of work toned blinds in white. Different species of wood can also be used in color finish. Everything depends on the imagination of the master and the availability of certain materials.

The first thing you need - well seasoned wood. For making slats 9.5 mm and a width of 63 mm were used trimming timber 10x10 cm and 10x15 cm.

Wood few years has lain in the attic and perfectly dry naturally. Humidity does not exceed 6-7%. Also I say that the slats, and this is 90 pcs., Not spun or led over time, although there were some blanks knots.

Brus dissolved in a circular saw (not forget to leave a margin for further processing), and then the workpiece by prostrogat plane.

Buy failed ready swivel bar (due to lack of sales in the desired size plates: the user required 56 inches and offered only on 54 and 36 inches).

Produce rotating bar QWEsad decided plywood, a 4 mm thick. After planing lamellas milled, otortsevali in size and drilled holes for mounting the rotating bar.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the work, the main thing - to withstand the same size in all the blanks. To avoid mistakes, holes were drilled with the help of a conductor and uncomplicated homemade devices.

Quality joinery take time, but the end result is worth it. After drilling, I proceeded to the necessary but monotonous process of putty and sanding of blanks to remove any minor defects.

Making slats, we begin to paint them. The paint was applied by brush, in a single layer. In parallel, the user did frame under the slats.

Because Search straight dry trohsantimetrovoy board could drag on indefinitely, it decided to make its own. For this board, "dyuymovka" glued to the package (timber) and dissolved in the circular saw on the workpiece size.

The user then milled edge forms required for the project.

On the exact geometry of the frame is largely dependent on how the blinds will function.
On the exact geometry of the frame is largely dependent on how the blinds will function.

Those. it is necessary to avoid distortions and inconsistencies sizes parties. Frame going spike on such DOMINO, which was used for the manual cutter.

Although not initially left blank ideal (sometimes present swirls precipitated with cracks or knots), the user has found a way out. Defective locations he poured epoxy resin and a tinting layer repaired place looks like an ordinary knot.

Tapping loops also used a special device.

Calculate the size of "adapt" rather easily. The hinge bushing 70 + 19 - 2 × half cutter 8 mm. Total = 81 mm. This is the length of the loop. In width. The width of the loop 15 + 19/2 mm - 4 mm = 20.5 mm.

Work came to an end remains only to cut the turning bar, and then collect the blinds. Above, we have already mentioned, what to buy ready-made swivel bar failed, and decided to make it out of plywood. For this you need a template / tool, with which you can make a lot of the same type exact semicircles. The process itself is as follows - strips collected into a package that moves inside the conductor on the table of the drilling machine.

Next is the finish lapping workpieces.

Trying on and making sure that everything is done right, paint the slats.

It remains to build and install shutters.

Blinds in open and closed form.

The result of all the work:

Blinds open. Inside view.

View from the street.

Blinds open.

According to the user said he was pleased with the final result. If you look at the blinds, standing next to the window, and let a little bit, but the room can be seen. Those. fully review the blinds do not overlap. If a little bit away, then do not see anything.

Especially nice look blinds at night.

My blinds - this is, first of all, a beautiful part of the interior. Functionality in second place, although the function of "hide" them perform well. They were easy to care for. They, unlike the blinds, not the dust settles. It remains only to finish the handle (since there is no white), just podshpaklevat and embellish nails and all.

The topic can be found on FORUMHOUSE all the details of the manufacture of wooden rotary shutters and see other interesting woodwork from QWEsad. In addition, be sure to check the section "Furniture for home and garden", Which contains drawings, experiences and recommendations for the production of beautiful and functional furniture.

Also on our website there are detailed and well-illustrated instructions, which are painted stages of manufacture multipurpose folding cabinet goatAnd explains both with their own hands to make a workbench, assembly table and Expanding pull-out bed.

And from the movies, you will learn how to build carpentry workshop and workplace cabinetmaker.

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