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14 compulsory events held in October on a garden site

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October has arrived, it is time to prepare the garden for winter. What should be done at this time in your garden?

Required actions

1. It is necessary to remove all the remaining fruits from the trees. Rotten apples are cleaned, too, as it is a hotbed of diseases. Such mummified fruit, and they perfectly disputes infections persist.

2. In late October, when autumn arid, conduct pre-winter watering trees (vlagozaryadny). Up to 2 m in depth is necessary to wet the soil around the tree. Flow rate - 50 liters per 1 m2 circle around-trunk.

3. After irrigation zamulchirovat tree trunks 5 cm or more. The material can take sawdust, pine litter, compost, peat, etc. This will protect the root system from severe frosts and retain moisture.

4. To cover up the cracks in trees garden pitch and whitewash the trunks of frost-crack just before the frost.


5. Hide spruce spruce branches and zamulchirovat heat-loving shrubs (roses, hydrangeas).

6. Make the protection of trees from rodents crust. As an insulating material suitable roofing material, but the material between the barrel and the need to put the sack.

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7. Conduct sanitary pruning tree branches. Broken and rotting branches need to be removed. But the main pruning is best done in the spring, because it will be clear that the crop and remove.

8. To hold its autumn pruning bushes (raspberries, gooseberries, currants, blackberries). On roses should be cut all the buds that have already faded.


9. Dig up the bulbs and rhizomes of flowers, perennials (gladioli, dahlias). Must undergo a month as the flowers ottsvetut, then remove the bulb. Dahlias harvested after the first frost.

10. Plant bulbs that bloom in the spring. This crocus, tulips, daffodils.

11. Sow the seeds of flowers, annuals, such as calendula.

12. Replant trees or plant new seedlings. It also needs to get done in October. Transplanting is carried out when the tree has no leaves.

13. You can even dig green manure.

14. Make compost box, if you have not, where you'll put fallen leaves and plant debris. If they are inhabited by pests or diseases, it is best to burn.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast (this is with regard to frost), and calculate when you can put one or another culture into the ground!

Here such simple work can be done on your garden site in October.

I wish you health and success in country affairs!

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