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How cheap to heat the house without gas

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FORUMHOUSE offers one of the variants of economical heating system

Energy prices have steadily increased, so an increasing number of suburban residents think how cheaply and efficiently heat your home. Most often, homeowners care, what are the options of heating private houses and cottages, in a boiler the highest efficiency, a boiler opt for the heating system, how to mount the heating system, what are the types of heating without gas and which are the most economical.

FORUMHOUSE suggests a different approach. First decide on a type of fuel, and already "under him" pick up the heating system.

From our material you will learn:

  • What is included in the cost of the heating system;
  • What kind of fuel can be called affordable;
  • What does it mean comfortable heating system;
  • Can be cheap electricity heating;
  • What could be the basis economical heating system.

What is included in heating costs

In fact, what it would cost one or another way of heating, influenced by many factors. Only calculate all costs (also necessary to take into account the increase in fuel prices in the long term), it is possible to determine the most cost-effective way of heating. To do this you must take into account:

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  • the cost of fuel;
  • The cost of delivery;
  • The cost of heating equipment;
  • The cost of its installation;
  • The cost of its operation;
  • Monthly average air temperature in winter;
  • Way to stay in the house: the regime "Dacha" or permanent residence;
  • Availability summed communications to a portion (gas, electric power required);
  • The degree of thermal insulation and energy dwelling.

Think about choosing a heating system and considering different options for heating in the house, you first need to answer the question: not "how" but "what" you will heat your home It is the type of fuel, its price and availability depend on heating costs season.

Consider the following scenario: main gas as a more economical fuel, at the moment, or the connection will cost too expensive. What to do in this situation, what kind of fuel selected: wood, liquefied natural gas, coal, pellets, briquettes, electricity, even solar panels - the mass of options. Let's see what kind of energy source would be most preferred.

About,connecting gas to house, Detailed in this article.

Approach is usually the following: Which energy source is most accessible in the region, or a particular area, and choose one. If there is a forest, then choose the wood. Coal mine - coal. There is access to cheap Local - put the boiler on diesel fuel. No need to "sort out" all the possibilities and all home heating options - stop at the most accessible.

This seems logical, but when choosing the most efficient type of fuel, it is necessary to think about how it will be used. It may be that the complexity of the fuel, the high price for equipment installation, delivery and storage of energy source outweigh the benefits of its use.

Heating Options for private homes

Only after weighing all the "pros" and "cons" and comparing several kinds of fuel, we can come to a common denominator. Whatever the cheap coal or wood, very few people will please the prospect of becoming a fireman (and coal is More and constant dirt in the boiler room) or wake up at night and toss the wood into the furnace of the solid boiler.

Pellet boilers (depending on the volume of the hopper) can operate for several days without the need for manual download, but the pellets are not distributed in all regions. Also, depending on the party, can "limp" quality.

Fuels such as pellets, wood, coal, diesel fuel, liquefied petroleum gas arrangement requires space for storage and storage. In small areas difficult to find a place in the gasholder to arrange gas heating homes; or wood store, where you can stock up on fuel for the entire heating season, which lasts 6-8 months. The calorific value of wood or pellets can be significantly reduced if they otsyreyut during the storage time.

It tells aboutheating all possible embodimentsprivate house.

Such nuances have a significant impact on the creation of economical heating system of a country house. Let us try to formulate the basic requirements for such a system. Cheap heating - is:

  • A system using the available and convenient for you Type of fuel;
  • System, low-cost operation;
  • The system intelligently utilizing the resulting heat energy (heat accumulates due to the increased thermal inertia of the structural elements of the house). It can be a floor heating system, concrete ties, the foundation of UWB, heat accumulators, etc.

To understand what are the advantages inherent in the system of the water floor heating, seek clarification from the head of the technical department of the direction of "Engineering Systems" company REHAUSergey Bulkin, city Moscow.

Sergey Bulkin
water floor heating system can be used both as primary and as an additional heating. It has several advantages over traditional radiators. Among them are - efficiency, ease of operation, increased thermal comfort. Because Warm water floor provides radiant heat that is most comfortable perceived by the human body.

Emanating from the floor heat rises, and is distributed evenly throughout the volume of the room. Therefore, in the room creates the most favorable for the person heating scheme - 'feet warm and head out in the cold. "

The basis of this system lies network of heating pipes (concreted in the floor screed) which circulates coolant - hot water or antifreeze (ethylene or propylene). This system is not suitable for the reconstruction of residential apartment buildings with existing radiator wiring - its setting is prohibited by law in them. Since this results in an additional load on the ceiling of the heating screed and unbalance home heating system.

In order to get the maximum effect of the water floor heating system, it is necessary to design spending in advance with individual reference to a particular home, and with the necessary engineering and heat engineering calculation.

What kind of fuel can be called the most accessible and cheapest

spores occurs frequently - a cheap fuel costs most in the absence of the main gas. We are looking for the cheapest gas heating, without the experience of the users of our forum.

Artashir (FORUMHOUSE User)
I decided to do a rough calculation of the cost of running different types of heating equipment for a period of 15 years, including energy costs, according to the following heating systems:
  • gas (gas boiler);
  • Heating with wood;
  • Heating with wood pellets (pellets);
  • electric (elektrokotol).

The initial data used forumchanin:

  • The area of ​​a dwelling house - 100 square meters;
  • The duration of the heating period - 8 months;
  • The average power of the equipment during the heating period (CAP) - 50%;
  • Power density 1.5 kW climate zone (Hunts-Mansijsky autonomous region - Jugra).

Hot water, gas stove in the calculations are not counted.

And that's what happened.

As seen from the table, the most expensive heating - electricity on the day rate. The cheapest - from the gas, solid fuels - in the middle of this ranking. It is also necessary to see the results of this calculation, the user of our site under the nickname bkostik.

Bkostik (User FORUMHOUSE)
I did calculations with regard to St. Petersburg.

As can be seen from the table, heating diesel fuel and bottled gas - one of the most expensive, but the heating with electricity, using the night tariff, it is not so expensive. However, this does not mean that everyone can put yourself elektrokotol because Not all settlements required power can be allocated to the house. Heating to homes without gas, electricity was indeed a profitable, you must fulfill several conditions. Namely:

The house should be well insulated;

  • They should be kept to a minimum heat loss through the building envelope (walls, floor, roof), as well as windows and doors;
  • Requires heat accumulator.

How cheap to heat the house without gas

Gasification some regions of Russia still accounts for 10%, so the theme of "heating private homes without gas" forum has traditionally paid a lot of attention. The example uchastnkia FORUMHOUSE nick Skeptic, who denied in our forum assertion expensive heating with electricity.

skeptic (User FORUMHOUSE)
I have for several years been using a low nightly rate for heating karkasnika area of ​​186 sq.m. In winter, the heating takes about 2 thousand. rub. per month.

Forumchanin house built on the foundations of UWB and is heated by electricity - using water floor heating system.

The heart of such a heating system is a self-made heat accumulator 1.75 m3. TANS includes timer, that is, the water is heated in the tank only at night, and the heat is drawn from the tank around the clock. At night the heating medium in the storage tank is reheated to the desired temperature.

Konstantin Y. (User FORUMHOUSE)
"Night" electricity can be relatively inexpensive, but not always available due to capacity constraints.

But not every home is connected to a three-phase power to 15 kW. And if it is connected, the power of the electric boiler is not enough to heat a large area of ​​the cottage. In this case, the lack of electrical power is necessary to block other heat source. At the same time get a reserve - in the case of failure of one of the boilers, or if the fuel is over.

Economical heating system must be based on a combination of two kinds of heat sources, to heat the house day solid fuel boiler and night support required temperature electric boiler operating at night tariff. In this case, getting up at night and toss the wood into the furnace of the boiler is not necessary. This is easy to use home heating systems combined.

article aboutfeatures selection and operation of coal-fired boilerIt is here.

Another way of saving could be lowering the temperature in the rooms during the night. For information: the temperature decrease in the building at 1C ° saves up to 6% coolant.

Kornet001 (User FORUMHOUSE)
In my opinion, two boilers (electric and solid fuel) - is the best option. Installation of the boiler will be cheaper, but tied to a single heat source, you are depriving yourself of selection of an alternative energy source such as favorable.

If we go further, it is possible to ideally combine the three types of heating equipment, adding to the boilers properly constructed oven. Stove heating at seemingly its archaic could become an additional source of heat in the house, and in the event of force majeure - power failure, damage to the boiler - reserve device. This is the option preferred to use the Finns, who are experts in economical heating technology.

Due to its massiveness, the oven is a good accumulator tank for a long time gives off heat. With proper placement of the oven, it will be able to fully heat the house a small area - you can only do it. To do this, the oven should be placed in the center of the house, so that in each of the rooms facing one of its sides. The chimney should be carried out not by the outer wall of the house, as well as in the center. In this case would be warmed and partially the upper floors.

This article describes,how to make a stove heating in a modern house.


  • The right to choose the heating system after the competent calculation. The only way to achieve a balance between the effectiveness, efficiency and convenience;
  • Country house should be well warmed, keep all the heat loss to a minimum, otherwise the lion's share of the energy goes to heating "street";
  • Approximately, the required power of the heating equipment is calculated using the formula: 1 kW of energy is required to heat the 10 square meter house;
  • Efficiency of the heating system is largely dependent on the availability of a type of fuel;
  • For maximum effect, it is necessary to combine different types of heating systems and energy. We can not say that under these conditions we get heating cheaper than gas, but we will save significantly.

Here compares the different types of energy. Detailed story how to ensure home heating and water, Is located at this link. Then we set out all basic requirements for the selection of coal-fired boiler. here are collected All materials on the Cheap heating electricity. here - basics of building stoves and fireplaces.

House as heat accumulator - see report user FORUMHOUSE. In this video presented Combined heating system. And here - heating system, built on the basis of bi-fuel boiler.

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