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Super cucumber dressing at flowering, which you might not know

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If you want to get a good crop of cucumbers, need to make the soil nutrient mixture. The following dressing is applied during flowering of cucumber. To peduncles not fall off, it is possible to feed a mixture of boric acid.

Cucumbers give a good crop spraying boron
Cucumbers give a good crop spraying boron

How do you know that plants need a forest?

As a rule, there is a falling off of ovaries, there is little interstitial and slow the growth of plants, the presence of rot. It is the use of boron will increase the immunity of plants and improve the development, contribute to the formation of a greater amount of the ovaries.

How to cook

You will need:
containers for mixing;
a bucket of warm water, 10 L;
tea spoon;
10 g of boric acid (powder);
boiling water 200 g

1. The pour hot water tank. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder and pour into containers. Mix well. The crystals should all disappear.

Boric acid is diluted only in hot water.

2. Pour the mixture into a bucket of water.

3. little mix well.

4. Pouring a sprayer and start processing cucumbers, both the inner side and the outer. Spray must not only leaves, but stems and flowers.

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The work should be carried out with gloves on!

If the boric acid remains dissolved, then pour and apply to other cultures, for example, on tomatoes. For tomatoes is also good effect, promotes the formation of a lot of the ovaries.

All feed article here.

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