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Not so long ago in his apartment, we began to repair. More precisely not in the whole, but only in the kitchen

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Not so long ago in his apartment, we began to repair. More precisely not in the whole, but only in the kitchen. But it was given to us is not exactly easy. Let's start with the fact that our kitchen is very small only 10 square meters, and the budget was limited.

From the very beginning of our renovation, we decided first of all to remake the floors. To do this, we used gypsum plaster "Rotband" 30 kg for 480 rubles. We chose it on the positive reviews on the internet.

Carefully reviewing many videos, it became clear that it is not just far away. Hint for the future: do not trust all videos on the Internet!

The order was worn out, and of course after the floor is completely dry out, we began to put the laminate. Chosen for the price, one of the most budget options 1Q m - 1600 p.

Since I decided to realize his childhood dream come true (to have a pink kitchen), it was decided to buy a laminate with a pink tinge.

When the laminate was laid and secured, we decided to replace plastic windows and balconies, all this cost us 26 thousand rubles. This cost includes installation and dismantling.

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After the kitchen moved away from the manipulation of the windows, we decided to hang wallpaper. Since the walls were smooth and clean, they did not need pre-plaster. Smeared the walls with primer and adhesive after we started glueing itself.

Wallpaper I chose pink, in small white squares, in my opinion got a very harmonious. The glueing itself is no big deal, but after the first web had to fit the cage, that was exactly.

When the wallpaper was over, we started to assemble kitchens which have ordered before. At first, it was very simple, and tabletop frames collected, well, that was the instruction. And after it was revealed that the stove was not in the wall, so we had a little trim the countertop.

And so it was in our kitchen renovation, the result of which I really liked!

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