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How to organize the construction, repair, installation of garden?

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In the interaction with the customer, especially in the early stages of the work, we are often faced with the fact that most occur a lot of questions about how to organize the construction, repair, renovation or improvement of the country house portion. There are of course cases in which the Customer has a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done, at what cost and in what time frame, but this is extremely rare. For the most part, people are ordering services for the construction or repair of cottages, or faced with it for the first time, or have previously worked with private teams or masters, or with companies where the process of organizing the country construction or repairs are not unified, and organized "anyhow put. "

In this regard, we have decided to set out in detail, how the process of organization of the construction as a whole and how it works in "Summer Wizard" in particular. So, the first thing to do - is to become familiar with how you can save on the organization of the construction, repair, renovation, holiday home or equipping suburban area. A detailed description of methods of saving, we brought here. Once you decide on which option to build or repair their suburban real estate, it is necessary to act on the following algorithm (we give the general case, the items of which can be removed, depending on the chosen option savings):

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1. First of all you should be familiar with the regulations governing the organization as a process of construction and the details of the work. Emphasize (!!!), it is read, not to learn the ropes.

On our website, these documents refer to "Regulatory Framework". At the same time, a very important document that governs the relationship between the participants in the construction, repair work is SP 48.13330.2011. "Organization of construction. The updated edition of SNIP 12-01-2004 ", which we recommend to study as detailed as possible, to clearly understand both their rights and responsibilities, as rights and obligations of the project and the contractor organization. For some reason (!!!) there is a perception that if I (Customer) gave the order, he (the contractor) must break into the board to please me. Disappoint you - it is not. Conceiving a particular job for the construction, repair, reconstruction holiday home, engineering systems or suburban area arrangement, Customer undertakes Responsibility no less than the contractor, namely: the customer is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the initial data, the contractor pledged at osmetchivanii work on the project. Customer is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the list of works to be performed by the contractor. Here, once a reservation is not for the technology, methods of implementation and quality assurance, namely the list. That is, if a contractor that is not taken into account in the estimate, at the stage of its agreement with the customer were not provided the raw data. In the end, if we talk in everyday life, in the problem statement, it should be guided by the subsequent operation. Exploit it to you and how correctly and the initial task will be delivered complete, the result will depend on the output and not least financial cost. There are many different nuances that must be considered at an early stage of the organization of construction or maintenance of these you can learn by studying the above regulatory document.
On our website, these documents refer to "Regulatory Framework". At the same time, a very important document that governs the relationship between the participants in the construction, repair work is SP 48.13330.2011. "Organization of construction. The updated edition of SNIP 12-01-2004 ", which we recommend to study as detailed as possible, to clearly understand both their rights and responsibilities, as rights and obligations of the project and the contractor organization. For some reason (!!!) there is a perception that if I (Customer) gave the order, he (the contractor) must break into the board to please me. Disappoint you - it is not. Conceiving a particular job for the construction, repair, reconstruction holiday home, engineering systems or suburban area arrangement, Customer undertakes Responsibility no less than the contractor, namely: the customer is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the initial data, the contractor pledged at osmetchivanii work on the project. Customer is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the list of works to be performed by the contractor. Here, once a reservation is not for the technology, methods of implementation and quality assurance, namely the list. That is, if a contractor that is not taken into account in the estimate, at the stage of its agreement with the customer were not provided the raw data. In the end, if we talk in everyday life, in the problem statement, it should be guided by the subsequent operation. Exploit it to you and how correctly and the initial task will be delivered complete, the result will depend on the output and not least financial cost. There are many different nuances that must be considered at an early stage of the organization of construction or maintenance of these you can learn by studying the above regulatory document.

2. Collect raw data

There are two ways of collecting baseline data to your project: free and paid. Let us consider them in the order listed.
There are two ways of collecting baseline data to your project: free and paid. Let us consider them in the order listed.

We are often asked, "Why do you go on site you paid? There are companies where everything is free ". Firstly, we are deeply convinced that no commercial entity will not do anything for free - "free travel" and everything else is not more than a marketing ploy. Second, as mentioned above, according to a set of rules, providing input - is the responsibility of the customer. Believe me, the view that I (customer) has to do all the preparatory work, and he (the contractor) only prices put down - is fundamentally untrue. This is your object, and you decide that it is necessary to do, and what not. Our task - to evaluate the technical ability to perform your work and pledged to implement it "in kind", and during the work of technical and technological nuances of no less than on the stage design.

However, there is a practice of delegating its powers, duties, other participants in the market of construction and repair services, such as the designer, or the same contractor (we come to why our services on site visits paid), but this is private, not peculiar to the building contractor work, which is carried out by our specialists in your best interest, and thus for some money. We think this position reasonable and fair, but please note: in the case of conclusion of the contract amount, you spend to travel professionals and the development of detailed estimates will take into account the total value of the contract, as already paid.

Now let's talk about free, but it is the correct version. Here, as we prescribe normative document, the Customer must provide correct and complete raw data for its object the construction, repair, reconstruction and resettlement. Ideally - this, of course, must be approved by the customer design documentation kit with all the necessary drawings, bill of materials and specifications, etc. But in the case of private buildings or repair, as we have noted, this isolated cases. Therefore, to obtain a preliminary value of the plan will be enough to your subject, showing all Main dimensions (length, width, height, number of doors, windows, etc.), it is desirable photos object. In addition, we expect to list of works, which is scheduled to perform with reference to the existing premises, rather than just a list, in which nothing is possible Remember to disassemble... (!) than the correct and complete the task, the more accurate the result will be at the output, even if in this case we are talking about pre value.

If you are in the stage of "pritsenivaniya", specially for such cases, we have developed averaged value of indicators that will allow you to reach the indicative (very indicative) budget. This is so to speak a kind of "average in the hospital", but nevertheless on these figures you can focus on how much your expectations match your abilities. Click on this link and read the first table numbers.

3. We direct the collected raw data to the company "Summer Wizard"

So, after the initial data are prepared, they need to send us to assess the preliminary the cost of construction, repair, reconstruction of your country house or holiday arrangement portion. Naturally, if the departure was ordered service to the site do not need to send anything - it's all gather our experts.
So, after the initial data are prepared, they need to send us to assess the preliminary the cost of construction, repair, reconstruction of your country house or holiday arrangement portion. Naturally, if the departure was ordered service to the site do not need to send anything - it's all gather our experts.

You can do this in several ways:

- on our site has a specially designed shape, using which you will not forget anything and we have the most detailed application. We recommend to use it as the best option to submitting the calculation of the preliminary cost of construction or maintenance.

- You can also send us a request in the usual email message to our official e-mail address: [email protected]. When using this method, please pay attention to the completeness of the data provided.

After receiving your application, we will study all the materials likely to ask our questions and We start working on the preliminary estimate for the construction work, repair, renovation, holiday home or holiday arrangement portion. Well and, accordingly, on budget finalization, we will send it to you for review.

4. Draw your attention to (!)

Value specified in the preliminary cost estimate is not final (!!!). In fact, strictly speaking, a preliminary estimate and to be subject to discussion. Carefully read the comments listed in the header of a preliminary estimate. The estimated cost, as well as a list of our job offers can be adjusted both in terms of the need for their implementation, as well as in terms of adjusting unit prices, while bringing you detailed studies. We are always open to discussion.

5. Of moving forward?

We have already described, and in sufficient detail, the whole process of construction, repairs and work on arrangement dachas, ordered in our company, but to complete this mini-manual, reference is made to the detailed description.

Thank you for your attention! We will be glad to see you among our customers!

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