What I knock heels on the floor?
We all know that with age, almost everyone has reduced activity, and there are a variety of cardiovascular diseases that most people begin to treat pills. But often the pills can only help temporarily or eliminate the symptoms but do not cure the problem itself and the condition worsens with each passing year.
In fact, many diseases can be prevented if you regularly do a simple exercise, which was first proposed by Alexander Mikulin long ago in 1975 and called vibrogimnastikoy. We just need to knock heels on the floor.
What will help me to this exercise?
Such an exercise is strongly recommended for people with sedentary work (such as in our time a lot), as well as people aged, because it is softer replacement running.
Vibrogimnastika helps you to disperse the blood through the body - from the legs to the heart and the head, resulting in a pass fatigue, decreases swelling and night the risk of blood clots, improves the function of the heart and brain, helps to resist varices. Sometimes, this exercise can even save you from headaches.
Even more useful information can be found in the book "Active Aging" by Sergey Bubnovskaya. A real treasure for those who do not want 60 years to drink tablets packs intact, highly recommend to read!
How to knock heels on the floor?
In order to exercise benefited, not harm it is necessary to perform properly, let's understand the steps:
- Stand up on your feet and slightly lift both heels off the ground, not more than 1-2 centimeters, hold on to something, if necessary;
- dramatically lower the heel on the floor, as if hitting them, this will create an inertial wave and protolknot your blood through the vessels up;
- repeat 30 times, but not quickly apply between the "hit" pause for 1-2 seconds;
- vibrogimnastiku do regularly 2-3 times per day (all the strength exercises it in its regularity);
- If you experience pain in the head, the legs, do the exercise smoother and better consult a doctor so that he consulted you.
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