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3 signs that carrots urgently need to remove from the garden

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In the last days of August and beginning of September, the majority of truckers begin to pull carrots from their beds. So it is very important to remove it in time, it is highly dependent on its taste and how well the carrot will be stored.

And so you do not make a mistake with time of harvest I will discuss 3 simple signs that the carrot is ripe and it is time to immediately pull out of the ground.

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Signs that say about the maturation of carrot

1. Color from carrot tops

To begin with a closer look at the tops of your carrots. If it is lower leaves have begun to turn yellow or sluggish, then it's time to collect carrots - it is ripe.

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It is not necessary to wait until all the greens in carrot povyanet, at that time already perezreet carrots and it will be much worse than stored. Such carrots should be eaten quickly.

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2. We take out some carrots

To accurately not to be mistaken with the term, I always pull out a 5-6 carrots in different parts of the beds and appreciate their size and taste. If the carrot is already large enough, then I start digging it completely.

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Also look closely at the carrot. If it can be seen tonyusenkie white roots, the carrot exactly ripe.

3. Remember the planting date

Also, a good way is to collect the carrots on the term. Each pack of seeds of carrot write how much time it will grow, so you can remember planting date and count the right number of days.

Well, I combine all three ways: memorize the date, and when it is time to look at the carrot tops, and then pull out a few "probnichki". So I have always delicious, sweet carrot, which is almost does not deteriorate during storage time.

These are the simple and obvious ways to harvest carrots, which do not all. Many vacationers are looking at the neighbors and collect at the same time and then complain that tasteless carrots and quickly rots.

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