Graphite: 3D-effects by means of concrete
Technology "graphite" was named after one of the producers of material. This technology allows using plastic composite mixture on any surface to simulate a variety of materials - from natural stone to wood bark. "Plasticine" plaster is not afraid of rain and temperature changes, it can be used for interior decoration and on the street.
Graphite mixture includes white cement, sand, plasticizers and a dozen other elements. She let a few companies, and the exact composition is kept secret. But FORUMHOUSE users are persistently trying to figure it out along the way offering their designs for the facades.
If indoors anything can mold out of plaster mixtures, the exterior decoration has always been a problem. Of course, under the facade brick, natural stone and even wood made and until the new technology. Most often used for this purpose artificial stone, personally made cement-sand mixture with plasticizers or packaged mixes for the technology of the printing press or concrete. Therefore, the "graphite" is compared with all at once.
Lascade (User FORUMHOUSE):
- I worked with graphite. This is a really interesting thing, which allows a lot of things to do, ranging from a simple finish building facades and walls in the interior with the imitation of various surfaces prior to fabrication of architectural forms.
Validating GRAFITchik acquainted with the technology in 2006. One of his first works was the finish of the base and a facade. Graphite sculptured plaster on the grid.
Advantages and disadvantages
User FORUMHOUSE Flex notes that technology has advantages over the other, even natural, material:
- artificial stone, as well as natural, it has a high density, which leads to a large linear deformation during the summer and winter. As a result - the stones fall off. Stone looks great and well behaved indoors only where there are no changes in temperature. Graphite to fall off from the surface of nothing, as this monolithic coating.
In addition, any curved poverhnostiprakticheski impossible oblitsevat artificial or natural stone, and the technology of "graphite" - allows.
Asserted density decorative coating technology for "graphite" - about 1300 kg per 1 cc. m, which is comparable with lightweight concrete (from conventional DSP - about 1800). Water vapor permeability - at the level of cement plasters.
"If done manually, the conventional DSP, it is likely to be stronger and more durable than the original formula. But the water vapor permeability is lower and weight is more that facade is not gud. Slopes, frieze pylon capital - here in this case, the mixture may preferably - concludes Anatoly-60, demonstrating the "stones" of the cement-sand mixture.
User Pop1872, To work with different materials assures that as compared with peskobeton (polymer-) graphite is easier to apply, and very texture mixture more pliable and realistic. But some things are better look of the sand concrete. "If I did Stonehenge - that of the sand concrete and ornaments and cave paintings - Graphite!" - sums up forumchanin.
The main disadvantage of mixtures on the basis of a DSP and a press concrete - weight: The material is too heavy, for example, to coat the walls of the insulant. In addition to their plasticity also have claims. This gives a chance to plastic plasters that can easily receive and store the stamp relief.
The mixture was molded and shaped to a half hours after the application, and within 6 hours - safely cut.
Validating Iosich interested in this technology just because it was necessary to foam insulated fasadotdelat stone (or a stone). But hang on PPP natural or artificial stone, he was afraid. Therefore, I decided to use graphite: the bay window on the columns of the asbestos-cement pipes are insulated with foam and finished with plaster under a tree. balcony ceiling (monolith) as Plastered wood. Elements falshfahverka- foam, finished in the same material.
Note that when working on thermal insulating materials must consider their water absorption. Abrupt withdrawal of moisture with any finishing materials, whether facing stone or plaster will lead to cracks.
Note that when working on thermal insulating materials must consider their water absorption. Abrupt withdrawal of moisture with any finishing materials, whether facing stone or plaster will lead to cracks.
Flex in their work used a simple dense foam. On the flat fence all the columns and turrets of foam finished with graphite. Object - for the third year.
Officially, such as decorative plaster "Graphite" (Graphite, Flex-C-Ment, Flex-Beton) are for giving the inner and outer surfaces of the three-dimensional form of natural stone and brick masonry. On the prepared surface, a layer of the solution, and then using the polyurethane shapes is drawing. However, this technology is not only used for facades and interior walls but also fences, furnaces, paths, stairs, columns, stucco during the restoration, and so forth.
The new technology has several important advantages over DSPs and stamped concrete. In particular, the possibility of applying a layer of from 0.5 to 7 cm inizky specific gravity of the solution - not more than 20 kg per sq at a thickness of 2 cm. The base may be concrete, ceramics, gypsum board, foam, wood, iron, plastic, and other surfaces (for everyone - technology). The main thing that it was safe and still.
The specific coating weight depends on the thickness of the applied mixture, and it, in turn, - the texture of the facade - figure.
For example, a weight of 1 m, a graphite, a 1 cm thick trimmed by the technology in the dry state is about 2-13 kg - Kenigsberg Sex foruchanin says, why such a mixture can safely be used for insulation - provided that it is properly fixed. Master said that a greater thickness it would not dare to hang on the façade with insulation, only a few elements - framing the window openings and the like If no insulation - in the block or brick, it is possible and 10 cm. But the cost of the facade will be decent - as half the cost of the building, if not more. In general, having certain skills, and can be 0.5 cm show the texture of the stone.
application technology
Most often by means of "graphite" mimic more expensive, finicky and hard natural stone. Not every base of his bear, particularly curved, not to mention the ceiling. A light plaster - easily. Less graffiti - compared with concrete counterparts plastic plaster - expensive.
The most important etapraboty with a mixture of - Substrate preparation. It needs to be well cleaned, repaired obvious cracks primed. For better adhesion mixture on the walls should not remain dirt, paint, dust. Typically, the surface is treated with the proven primer "Primer 100", but you can choose another. The same applies to the means for sealing cracks - each brand recommendations, but the market is, to choose from.
Manufacturers mixtures argue that their stuff will be fine to stay and without the use of reinforcing mesh, but many forum users prefer to play safe.
Typically, the mixture is placed in two layers: the first reinforcement (1-2 cm) - the surface after priming, a second, forming - after drying of the first and another primer. The classical scheme - a ground, a metal mesh, base coat, primer, decorative layer, forming, acrylic paint color schemes, the polyurethane coating lacquer.
Smooth materials reinforced net layer or by "combing", and then the roughened surface is applied topcoat. Starik80sovetuet not take a comb 8-10 mm and 5 mm - consumption will be less and work more convenient. It is applied in a thin layer, the surface roughness attached garden rake or a stiff brush. Then applied plaster to 5 cm, crawling anything.
Before applying the second layer (0.5 mm - depending on the depth of relief that you have chosen) must be removed from the surface roughness and nodules. This is done in the usual spatula. No need to wait until the primer has dried completely, optimally - the middle stage: half-dry and stick to your fingers. With regard to the mixture, it is better vsegoderzhitsya and molded if it applied for half an hour after mixing.
Assures experienced GRAFITchik, About 80% of the work takes place with a layer thickness of 1 cm. As an example demonstrates forumchanin "brick" 0.7-0.8 mm thick:
Important! The coating does not crumble, clearly follow the instructions to the mixture. Problems with resistance are often associated with a change in the water-cement ratio or the rapid evaporation of water from cement slurries. In other words, a mixture of "lights".
The mixture is applied with a spatula, trowel or special atomizer. The smaller movements at this point you apply, the stronger will be the surface. Then topcoat aligned trowel. Texture on podsohshemsloe plaster made with a variety of forms (for brick, stone, wood) or manually by cutters. Want beautiful facial sutures - use yet unravel.
To form not stuck to the mixture, they need to moisten the inside with white spirit. Not prevent them and treat the wall itself. If something failed, not worry -after drying the mixture to remove defects can repair mixture.
- Stones without forms - also a topic! Creative... That's what we do. - the photo shows Pop1872.
Paint relief formed only begins after the complete drying of the mixture. It may take some time - depending on the thickness of the layer, climate temperature and humidity outside.
To make the surface specific color liquid dyes typically used. Concentrated dye diluted with water and special tools (see. manufacturer's recommendations) - depending of type of effect you want to achieve. The proportions of the dye and other components depend on what you apply paint - sponge, roller or spray.
The background color on large surfaces are typically applied by spray, sponge excess water collected. Then with a brush (sponge) and pigmentovformiruetsya realistic figure.
There are several painting techniques. In most color are diluted with water to the desired tone color stones and then fixed hydrophobizator. Sometimes the paint is added to the primer or varnish. The main background staining can be obtained in the concrete mass, adding a pigment to the mixture. However, when added in a solution of dry dyes, they should not exceed 2% of the composition, or solution "relax".
Realistic simulation of stone - a real painting. It does not hurt to get the hand, before starting to paint a fence or a wall of the cottage.
A tireless GRAFITchik offers mimic tree: "To serve the tree people annually emit the money!"
Universal tips: colors are applied in a circular motion, it need to carefully rub with a dry sponge for highlights a certain area. Do this only after the paint dries. Seams and the "trough" paint over brush. The darker the cavity, the greater the visual depth of the relief.
Painted surface must be secured tread layer. Vertikalnyeuchastki lacquered water-based, horizontal -poliuretanovym. This is done after the paint has dried. Distorted color cracks - again, not Grieve, decorative covering can update using a special repair mixture, diluting it with water. And in general, this technology allows you to paint the stones in any color, if tired old.
The protective layer over the "graphite" mix must be updated every three years.
Laying decorative coverings on a floor is almost not different from that of the walls, but a mixture, the means for sealing cracks and holes here - their own. Further, the modifiers are used. Reinforcing mesh for the required floor. The primary coating layer - 1-2 cm. You need to start forming when the mixture will seize so that he will not be cut to the ground. Do not forget to wet the surface and form mineral spirits. The dye is often added directly to the mixture, and the top floor is sprinkled with a dye-stabilizer. Make the final coloring of the dry coating, after 6-12 hours.
However, for street coverage "with a picture", it may make sense to choose cheaper and more durable mix for stamped concrete. They, of course, a large proportion, but it is for horizontal surfaces - not a hindrance.
How to reduce the cost of finishing?
A significant drawback of the original mixes "graphite" type - their high cost. Therefore, the forum users are actively looking for an alternative to plastic plaster. To decorate the facades suggest the use of different materials - concrete press, travertine, decorative fiberglass, GRC and their own blend.
Chuchupaka100(User FORUMHOUSE):
- As for me - tree bark and in hard concrete is no different from natural. Foundation - concrete column itself "bark" is very strong. Another bitch must finish.
Anatoly, 60 used a DSP splastifikatorom. Forumchanin was important for setting the speed, so he took the antifreeze. But for manual molding, on the other hand, the longer grasped, the more convenient to work with. Anatoly does not recommend using plaster - not friendly with cement. To speed up - better water glass, but may crack.
ufzyf offers his recipe for a plastic mix: high-quality cold-resistant adhesives, cellulose fibers and plenochnyykonservant.
kom-trans gave the following formula: 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 2% - A5, 1% - dishwashing detergent type "Fairey". Cellulose it immediately spreads with water on the eye, and then shuts solution has this composition. "Fairy" adds just after tried just with the addition D5 - the solution has turned plastic, but hard. A cleaner to correct this deficiency.
Validating Pavelm draws attention to the fact that the weight of the concrete will be too large for facade work, which means that air-entraining additive should be present in a mixture:
- Density proprietary plaster less than usual. This can be achieved only by "fluffing" solution. Exemplary proportions per 1 cubic sand - 320 kg of white cement M600, plus air-entraining additive and giperplastifikator. As fibers may be used pulp type "Armotsel" which and how little reinforcement works and as water-retaining additive.
GRAFITchik also it gives some recommendations. He advises to choose Fiber (polyamine) is 45 mm, and 5-15 - convenient when mixing and using the gun. Use with air entraining plasticizer, he chooses dry. Cement UP (no additives) - better 400-500. Composition perlitobetona need some relief. Each region has its own lightweight aggregates - instead of sand (sand gives smesitekuchest, and it is ideal for vibration casting only). Legkiy- to 1400 kg per cubic meters. m - cement concrete in compliance with all regulations provides a good product.
Gameday actively experiment and share their successes.
GritsenkoSN75 done with the help of this technology the stones of CFB.
GRAFITchik He advised to make their top frame, using brevnyshno, stiff brush and brush on metal. Poshkryabal, left to dry, dare maklavitsey soft - wood simulates "a great success", "stone and aged wood - a classic of the genre."
As a result of various experiments and heated debate FORUMHOUSE users have come to the conclusion that it is not in every case appropriate to other technologies graphite decorative finishing. But if you need to do it quickly, and a lot of insulation of facades - is a good option.
Iosich tried tile adhesive and plaster mixtures, it was not that. The mixture, at a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm, to be a plastic (such as glue) to hold the form (not sliding) from the wall and does not harden too quickly to be able horoshoproshtampovat. Clay - plastic, but a thick layer slides off the wall. Plaster keeps, but quickly hardens.
Anatoly, 60(User FORUMHOUSE):
- The technology is applicable on façades graphite (by a heater) due to the high vapor permeability and low weight mixture finishes. But beginners want to warn against it. Start with conventional peskobeton. Without molds and dies. Concrete within days after application on the surface finish is easy to various types of molding. And you can get a product that is not inferior to most parameters. And without vendor lock-in the miracle-mix.
Although agree forum, decorative elements of graphite allows for a much more interesting.
Read more in graphite technology this thread. You can find recipes for plastic concrete mixes by members of the forum and look at the works of photography. About decorative painting walls says the artist-colorist in this video. All you need to know about decorative paints and plasters - in this article.
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