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The most effective remedy for rust! How to remove rust for 1 hour?

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Hello! I decided to conduct an experiment to remove rust from metal without any strong acids or special reagents using the most common and cheapest means that there is virtually every house, or at least, they can be easily purchased at any shop. I just 4 experienced means and in the course of the experiment I was able to not only to debunk another myth, but also to find the most efficient and rapid means of rust, which can clean metal for 1 hours!

As test samples I took the bolts and nuts, which have approximately the same degree of damage to rust.

Rusty nuts and bolts
Rusty nuts and bolts

The samples were placed in glass jars with the test substance and timed the beginning of the experiment, the results of which you will find below.

4 means of rust - experiment
4 means of rust - experiment

The experiment took place at the same temperature.

1. Coca-Cola

It has long been heard by a Coca-Cola can not only easy to clean a variety of surfaces, but also to remove rust from metal. Of course, I decided to check it out. As you could guess, the first bank is precisely the miracle drink.

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Coca-Cola as a means of rust - Fact or Fiction?
Coca-Cola as a means of rust - Fact or Fiction?
Coke Sample after purification - rust remained
Coca-Cola as a means of rust - Fact or Fiction?

Alas, but it means me disappointed. I do not know how to cope with cola cleaning baths or sinks, but even after two days, she was not able to remove the rust from the sample. On the bolt with a nut remains exactly the same rust as it was in the beginning. Maybe just Coca-Cola is no longer what it used to?

Debunked myth with Cola, we move on to the really working way of dealing with rust. Let's see which one is most effective and see if you can remove the rust in just 1 hour!

2. Lemon acid

The second bank is citric acid, mixed with water in proportions of 1 to 4 (200 g water - 50 g of citric acid), but can think and make the solution weaker. Almost immediately after I put a sample in a jar with citric acid, began to pass a weak reaction on the surface of the bolt with a nut began to appear small bubbles.

Food citric acid
Food citric acid
on the surface of the bolt with a nut began to appear small bubbles
Food citric acid

Periodically, I took out a sample and tested as an agent to cope with rust. When is the last 23 - 24 hours, the solution has acquired a slightly yellowish tint, and already it was clear that on the bolt with a nut is no trace of rust. The only thing a little metal darkened and become opaque, but after a light brushing of metal sheen appeared.

Sample after purification by rust citric acid
Sample after purification by rust citric acid
Sample before purification
Sample after purification by rust citric acid

Citric acid coped well with rust, but it took a whole day, and I would like to somehow speed up the process, so we continue to experiment.

3. Acetic acid 70%

Next, the test substance - is acetic acid. The Bank had to cover, vinegar Veda identifies a very pungent odor. After dipping the sample into a jar, no reaction took place, but after a few hours a substance markedly changed color and became pinkish-brown, which clearly pointed to the fact that the acid gradually fights rust.

Acetic acid 70%
Acetic acid 70%
After a couple hours, acetic acid was pinkish-brown
Acetic acid 70%

After 20 hours samples were completely cleaned of rust and unlike citric acid metal substantially not darkened. After mechanical cleaning appeared characteristic luster and nut bolt as new steel.

Sample after purification by rust acetic acid
Sample after purification by rust acetic acid
Sample before purification
Sample after purification by rust acetic acid

The result was very good, but in the fight against rust again went almost daily. Besides, a great disadvantage purification of acetic acid, it is a sharp odor that was felt even with a closed jar, so test had to be carried out in a well-ventilated room.

4. The quickest and most effective way to

Finally we come to the most interesting - a substance that can remove rust much faster and less effective than citric acid or acetic acid. For fun, I put in the bank 4 bolt with a nut on which the rust layer was slightly more than in the previous samples. Within 5 - 10 minutes, it began a very violent reaction of the test substance and, in the truest sense of the word, beginning to boil. Bank warmed up and after 40 minutes, the solution significantly changed color, becoming like a Coke.

How to remove rust for 1 hour?
How to remove rust for 1 hour?
After 40 minutes the solution darkened
How to remove rust for 1 hour?

After 1 hour, the reaction was complete. Taking a sample from the banks, I do not see a trace of rust. Slightly darkened only the metal itself, as is the case with citric acid. Given that this sample was the most rust, I think the result is excellent, and most importantly - managed to remove all the rust in one hour!

A sample of the cleaning solution from the three-rust
A sample of the cleaning solution from the three-rust
Sample before purification
A sample of the cleaning solution from the three-rust

What remedy is able to so quickly and effectively remove rust? Everything is very simple! Ingredients for the preparation of this mixture is in almost every home and it consists of 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 3.1 part of citric acid and 1/10 normal dietary salt (100 ml of peroxide take 35 - 40 g of citric acid and 7 - 10 g salt).

hydrogen peroxide, citric acid and table salt - an effective means of rust
hydrogen peroxide, citric acid and table salt - an effective means of rust
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