Furniture for dolls. Puppet table and a bench with his hands.
Recently my daughter asked to make their dolls a small table and I, of course, has promised to make it. In addition, the idea of doll furniture seemed very interesting, so I decided in addition to the table even once do something a little bench. In the network a lot of doll furniture options and the search for examples of problems have arisen. To begin, I decided to try a more simple products. My choice has stopped here at this lovely table and a semicircular bench with backrest.
Download pictures, I was a little corrected them and fit at the right size, and set to work. Stage drawing on plywood missed it you can see in my previous articles:
Children pencil holders with stand for your phone with your hands.
Holder for photo "Owl". Doing their own hands.
Attaching pictures to the plywood (4 mm thick), using a jig machine I started to cut all the necessary products of the future. As an exercise I decided to start with a puppet stage, as its design seemed easier than the bench.
I drank all of the tables I have removed some of the irregularities and carefully polished parts with sandpaper.
A total of three parts: two legs of 6 cm in height, which are interconnected slot and round table top diameter of 9 cm.
After the assembly has turned a puppet's table.
Encouraged by his creation, I immediately began for the second product. For bench I cut 6 pieces: 3 feet, like the sides of the chair, height 8 cm, 1 wide arc radius 12 cm, which will act as a seat and 2 thin arc of the same radius, which will play the role of back.
When assembling a couple of difficult moments came with the slots on the sides of the bench and thin arcs. The grooves had a little fit under the plywood thickness, and arc I get a little shorter length, so they had to change, but that is nonsense.
As a result, I get this such an interesting set of doll furniture.
The daughter was very happy and made a different order - puppet cabinet and the house, so I will definitely continue the theme doll furniture in the next posts!
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