Spring problems of the private sector. How not to drown in their area and the road to it?
Greetings to all amateurs and professionals, who are involved in the construction. I continue my "newbie way" to his own home, which I build with their own hands.
The process is moving slowly, together with the spring, which pleases the weather. After a great winter, which surprised the abundance of snow, now there is a problem a lot of water, like on the roads and on sites.
Each time, passing on his SNT, I appreciate the state of the roads and areas and see that the spring - this is the most unfavorable time of the year for the private sector.
Each trip as a test.
Question of the road condition is very important for meBecause to live in his future home, I plan to constantly. Of course, when the land and the house is used only in the summer and the weekends, the issue of roads is not so important. But if you ride every day on this:
(Although now that I'm doing... Every day something so doing in their area).
I used to think that most of the problems will be in the winter due to snow. But in practice, convinced that you can get rid of the snow, but with such pools can not be helped.
Especially indescribably when each time you plunge into it and do not know whether or not you will get out.
Although, in my opinion, all these problems are solved by deepening ditches, the water that already at the level of the road, but somewhere and poured it
Of course digging in one place makes no sense. We need a comprehensive work around horticulture (though, to pay tribute to gradually such work is carried out).
In the meantime, it is hoped to get lucky and your car.
One SNT, and the different sections.
Probably question reheating portion is more important than the road. And looking at what is happening in my neighborhood, I realize how lucky I am still.
Frankly, if this was going on in my area, I would be very thoughtful ...
The most interesting thing is that my land is located just a hundred meters, and the situation there is far better:
Back when I first started develop your siteI realized that the problem of flooding should begin to struggle from the very beginning.
Deep drainage ditch and the rise portion were basic measures in this case. Now I really appreciated all the benefits of this work.
About how it was read in these articles:
The road to the site. The most budget option.
Unnecessary roots. How to apply on your site?
Well iiiii ???
Perhaps many people do not understand this desire to go through the mud and think about what to do to avoid flooded land. As I do not understand people who every day ready to stand for hours in traffic jams. Here, as we say, to each his own.
One thing for sureThat for me - it's not the problem, temporary difficultiesWhich can be overcome, and which just do not worry.