The safest outlets for gas cookers
To connect the plates to the gas pipe or gas pipeline gas cylinder using different types podvodok.
- rubber-and-canvas sleeve - the softest of all types of fittings - this is its main disadvantage is, it is too sensitive to mechanical damage. The main advantages of rubber-hose - it tokoneprovodimost.
- rubber hose with a metal braid. This is one of the most popular ways to connect a gas stove. It is simple to use and very cheap for what it and loved in Russia and CIS countries.
- Bellows eyeliner - the most expensive, but at the same time safe and reliable metal hose. He is not afraid of gas pressure, and mechanical damage. He served about 15 years.
What to look for?
1) Please note that the diameter of the inner sleeve, can not be less than 10 mm. The sleeve of smaller diameter can not skip gas cooker to the required amount.
2) braided hose has a colored mark: Choose with yellow labels hoses - they are intended for gas podvodok, rather than water, as blue.
3) The dielectric insert. In the gas inducting pipe in the building is supplied with electricity, to protect the pipe from corrosion in its the underground part, and the dielectric insert save you from entering the apartment electricity with gas tube home.