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How to store carrots, so until the spring was fresh and not rotten: it's simple, but I never thought

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On his channel, I share only in ways that are checked on his experience: this is my principle, and I hope you had time to discern it. That is why I am doubly glad to tell you about a way to store carrots, in which it does not spoil ALL!

Moreover, the carrot does not become hard and does not germinate!

Come on, pass on their experience

How to store carrots?

  • The most important thing - the temperature. Carrot likes a temperature of from 0 to 3 degrees. Slightly higher - begins to sprout, just below - freezes. Maintain this temperature is cellar.
  • Optimum humidity -80-85%. It is unlikely that you will use the sensor, but the sensations in the cellar should be damp.

But it's all some kind of engineering wisdom, but, in fact, my work:

  • Stop watering for carrots 10 days before its excavation. The more water in it - the worse it is stored.
  • Cut the tops immediately after being dug root. This is important, otherwise carrots instantly fade.
  • Do not wash the carrots, Absolutely.
  • Do not hurry to put carrots in the cellar - let lie down for a week at the top and dry.
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  • Route carrots paper - it can be taken for free in every building hypermarket in the packaging department.

When all these conditions, the carrots in the shops can not buy - its dolezhit until April!

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