He made the table-grill their own hands
"Well, you joker" - as a young man told me his wife. But 56 years - not a reason to stop the mischief, I thought. Am I more than anything sensible and can not do - and the bath house built, the son reared, ennobled garden, alpine hill made even electro-mobility of the OCI itself gathered ...
At this time we decided to make a place for cozy family gatherings. Summer children come with their grandchildren, and in the evening you can sit alone in the house - in the gazebo at night cool.
Therefore, it was decided to make a table-grill their own hands.
Here's what happened:
Tell (and show), how I did it:
1) to make room for the next table - took off the ground, removed the grass. He pulled the rope between fittings - will guide.
To my grandson, not demolished label - put on top of the bottle.
2) I began laying open table - in the course were different bricks were lying idle for years at the site. Wife is happy - the place under her daisy released.
3) Did clutch so. that there were two working spaces of different shapes: here they are in the picture:
4) Overlaid masonry remains of tilesWhich are exported after repair our DC (before she trimmed the wall).
5) "Countertops" made of porcelain - was renovated in the house, it is necessary to start up in business. The edges of the fixed metal corners - not heated.