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As gardeners in Europe germinated seeds?

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INSem Hello! I hope the holiday season have already ended, and now you can safely go back into the apartment and relax. And that winter and spring vacation was not useless, I suggest a little "pull" theory - read about new gardening techniques.

FROModay I tell, both in Germany and throughout Europe independent gardeners and horticulturists germinated seeds. I have to say, we in this respect behind the robust design of the civilized world.

EIf the Russian cottager usually germinate the seeds in cotton wool moistened with a liquid fertilizer, to purchase soil, peat pot or in kind, but the Europeans have long germinated seeds in a special home installation.

INyglyadit it like this:

TWhich setup is installed on the window sill, close to the light. It consists of a water pan, a tray of tubes that the air to the roots and the special convex lid which acts as a greenhouse.

IN special grooves - liners - laid nutritious soil for seedlings.

Does this wonderful bed?

Yes, with the help of such a device gardeners achieve excellent results: seedlings growing twice as fast, and grows stronger. In the end, it almost does not die when planting, and then gives a large harvest.

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So much for the moral:
"To work in the garden or on ogroode do not need a lot, and with his head!"

How do you germinate seeds?
Maybe our gardeners is not worse than Europe ?!

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