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Construction gazebos with their hands

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In order to decorate a site near his country house, we do all kinds of tricks: disembark perennial flowers, do carved gates, etc... But the site can not only beautify, as they say, from an aesthetic point of view but also from a practical, especially because most of the unoccupied land in areas lacking. What can decorate vacant land? The answer is simple - a pergola, which will serve not only an ornament, but also a room where you can relax, do barbecues and generally deal with a wide range of work. So how do you build a gazebo with your hands?

To begin, we need to decide on the foundation. Since the gazebo - a small building object, you can not spend a large amount of funds and make the foundation not by brick columns, but simply because of their age automobile exhaust tires. Puts them on the basis gazebo and pour cement into the tire floors - it turns a very light but strong foundation as the grout very durable wood base attracts to itself.

Then we take the material that will be the walls of our designs (bar, or just lining) and begin to stack him. If you use the boards, you must first make a frame structure to which it is, in fact, will be laid. Install and then, and more must be very careful that the perimeter of the gazebo was perfectly flat.

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After completion of these works, do a profile for the roof of the same material as the rest of garden furniture. As for the roof gazebo can be used completely any material from slate to metal - for such a structure, by and large, the roof does not have any importance.

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