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As a small kitchen

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If you have always dreamed of a large and spacious kitchen, but all that you have - a few square meters, then this article is for you. Learn how to turn a small kitchen in a comfortable, beautiful and functional space with the help of imagination and appropriate techniques.

Working area and cabinets.

Let's start with the most important and thus occupies the largest space in the kitchen - it cupboards. As they are placed must be solved on the basis of cuisine options. If you have enough space, you can hang them on the walls, otherwise you need to use angular positioning for maximum use of space. If you have a corner modules, pay special attention to their depth and width, as well as the size and location of the cabinet doors. Better to have a small kitchen equipped with custom-made furniture, as factory standard size kitchen may not be appropriate. You may want to consider increasing the height wall cabinets to provide additional storage.

Built-in appliances.

Often, large kitchen appliances such as stove, dishwasher and refrigerator even create headaches when trying to make an effective balance in a small kitchen. Choosing built-in appliances, this problem is practical, functional and aesthetic solutions. With oven and dishwasher, everything looks simple and stylish, if you choose the built-in models. And when it comes to the refrigerator, a bit more complicated. The best option for a small kitchen - is, to put it in a niche as possible. If this is not possible, you may consider using the built-in refrigerators, which, however, will be a small amount. Do not forget about the hood, without a kitchen is incomplete.

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More space for storage.

It is advisable to install more shelves, hooks and all kinds of useful and artful arrangements. This not only saves storage space, but also provide you with a working surface, which will not interfere with unnecessary items and utensils.

Good lighting.

Chandeliers, lamps, bulbs - set and lighting combine to provide enough light in the work area, as well as around the cabinets and countertops. Do not forget to place a lamp in the center of the kitchen. A large number of light visually expands the space, but do not overdo it.

What to do with the door?

About the door is often overlooked, but in a small room it takes place, and so is a little bit. Get rid of the standard door, come up with another option. You can completely remove it, leaving an open kitchen. Make a visual separation and using arches highlight the area of ​​the kitchen. And if you still want to be a door in the kitchen, you can make it retractable, so it does not take up valuable space.


The kitchen should be fresh and spacious, to stimulate the desire to train and improve the appetite. Choose fresh color combinations and accents that enliven the space visually. Find interesting color combinations to color your kitchen, or ask for tips to experts.

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