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How to lay out floor screed plate gipsovolokonnyh

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Screed dry-type - a lightweight design, but with quite good strength characteristics. To build it is permissible to use a variety of materials, including sheet gipsovolokonnyh. He's a tough, reliable, but not too heavy. How to contact with this product, then managed to put a decorative floor covering correctly?

1. Preparation of the base under screed

Stack of gipsovolokonnyh tie sheet may be on various rough surface. It can be a floor slab and boardwalk. The main thing that it was not noticeable irregularities, and no traces of mold.

To compensate for height differences on the rough surface of the set lag. They operate from a bar thickness of 8-10 cm. Need to place logs across the room. The distance between the beams should be small, only about 80 cm. And it is better to make it even less to improve the rigidity of the screed.

2. Formation of a glass fiber sheet bedding

If you just lay a fiberglass sheet on the joists, it may eventually become deformed, despite the stiffness. So we have to first build podsypku. For example, using expanded clay middle fraction.

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Have it in the space remaining between the bars. Important to keramzit not raised above the plane lags to further not interfere with stacking of the fiberglass sheet.

3. Laying on top of the fiberglass sheet lags

At this stage, it is important that between the sheets did not appear intersecting seams. Accordingly, the fiberglass panel is placed necessarily vrazbezhku type. In addition, the need to constantly ensure that the edges are not "hung" with the lags. Panels necessarily cut so they went edges at the bar.

4. Preparation for decorating

At this stage, it all depends on what exactly is going to use decorative material owner. It may be possible to do without training, if you plan to lay a laminate or floorboard. Another thing - laying carpet and linoleum. Before their plank, desirably zashpatlevat gaps present between gipsovolokonnyh sheets. In all cases, also need to make sure that between the panels no height differences. If they are found, the problem areas better to polish.

From the above it is clear that working with gipsovolokonnyh sheet in the regeneration of the screed is not difficult. Owner, if desired, make sure everything is correct.

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