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Accurate trimming of wallpaper on the ceiling. Master OK

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picture 1

Discuss the case when trimming wallpaper the ceiling is performed after gluing ceiling moldings.

Beforeskirting the wallpaper is not usually the glue, as this then creates a number of difficulties. Someone is more convenient to adjust blade edge after drying, when it is easier to cut through the blade of the knife, and it is not so torn, as wet, but I am accustomed to equate the edge immediately after the stickers, because they do not get put off by the long.

Important. For successful operation, that there are no nerves and regret, before trimming wallpaper sure to put in building a new replacement blade knife, no matter how sharp it may seem that it is. If the blade is in the course of a little dim, little is breaking it without pity or changing to a new one.


The work needed a stool, but rather a steady table, plastic spatula, a wide metal spatula and a knife.

Scissors alignment do not. it is more difficult for me given than with a knife. However, I know many who copes with the task just a pair of scissors, and let them deal lasts a little longer, as the need to smooth the fabric, outline cutting line, again for the convenience of delay and after the cut again smooth.

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Picture 2.
Picture 2.

1. I smooth plastic spatulafabric wallpaper and press it firmly under the edge of the ceiling moldings.

2. I take a metal spatula, puts under the plinth. Him too much to the wall not to press down so as not to rezanut superfluous. Digress about 2 mm, so that the wallpaper on the ceiling were wrapped little plinth.

 photo 2
photo 2

2. Trying to fixedly hold the spatula, knife along the lead spatula inverted feedback (not working) side. For trimming can be used wide metal plate, a knife would on one hand not to fall. Knife angle of inclination of the ceiling is not more than 45 degrees.

Important. blade pressing force must be such that the blade cut through the fabric through and slightly etched into the ceiling moldings. Do not be afraid of this, because of the cut line will remain invisible even on a painted baseboard.
Picture 3.
Picture 3.

3. After completing the cut, rearrange spatula and continue to cut further. As a left-handed, do all the left, do not pay attention to it. At the end of the severed tesomochku rented and finally pasting wallpaper, again smoothing their plastic spatula and wipe away any excess glue with a rag.

Picture 4.
Picture 4.

Pictured above (picture 4) shows another case where visible, as are the edges at both sides of wallpaper plinth after pruning. Here they pokleit on the wall and on the ceiling. How do you? Like anything, eh?

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