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Change the valve to the tank. The analyst slide. Master OK

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Friends, understand very well how many problems arise because of a broken drain fittings, so I prepared a phased themed slide with text underneath. It includes 40 photographs showing how to remove the defective part and put the new ones.

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Short that was not included in the movie

1. The main causes of failure of the valve - mechanical wear and poor water quality. If a tank problems started after 5 years of its purchase, then your mechanic has served and it is time to change. This is the normal lifespan of a new product.

2. The problems of reservoir encountered early, most likely guilty of the water. Often, it contains small abrasive particles, such as quartz and metal fragments, which erase working surfaces of rubber and plastic parts, because of which appear leakage.

3. Maybe just change the whole armature should not, and should try to remove the precipitated mud with a rubber ring. How to do it very quickly and is well shown in a separate article.

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Here's the rubber valve should wash well, maybe it will help to eliminate the leak.
Here's the rubber valve should wash well, maybe it will help to eliminate the leak.

4. Also, the channel has a narrative on replacing valves. In fact it is a shortened version of the mobile slide.

Here is how to separate part of the drain block.
Here is how to separate part of the drain block.

4. The new mechanics always collapsible. In order to set it all, you should first mount the base on the bottom of the tank. The circuit assembly generally shown in detail leaflet attached to the product at purchase.

If the tank is constantly misted, this too can be guilty of faulty valves.
If the tank is constantly misted, this too can be guilty of faulty valves.

5. To prolong the life of valves, before entering the tank can be set fine filter. Many of his set on the main pipe, from which there is a wiring pipe branches around the house or apartment.

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