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Properties block house cedar

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The popularity of natural wood products, including wood block house, due to the high technical performance and environmentally friendly materials at an affordable price. Huge selection of colors and textures gives freedom for bold design of experiments and projects of various complexity levels. Stylish and presentable interior can be created using a unique material - block house from cedar wood.

House unit of cedar wood board is a segment with a convex and flat portions. He can successfully simulate round logs. Steering this material house looks as if it is constructed of high-grade log cabin. Thus the cost of construction and cladding structure is much smaller. Cedar is one of the most environmentally friendly wood, because it grows only in a clean environment - in the wild. Sawn differ therefrom not only excellent characteristics, but also luxurious rich appearance.

This finishing material appeared in the Russian construction market recently, but has already managed to prove itself well. Low vapor permeability and resistance to moisture allows the use of cedar block house in the regeneration of rooms with high humidity: bath, bath or sauna. Exterior finish is quite practical and does not require additional antiseptic treatment. As part of the wood has antibacterial substance, resisting rot, mold and pests actions. Growing in the harsh climatic conditions of cedar is not exposed to the negative effects of sudden changes in temperature.

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Application unit house

Block house of cedar is very popular today as the outer and inner cladding material. Attractive appearance will create the interior and facade design, full of original genuine Russian atmosphere. The variety of color palettes allow to pick the best option, which will perfectly complement any existing scheme. Block house can be used in interior, designed in a classic, rustic or environmental style. The service life of products made of cedar can reach 100 years after the time the mechanical properties of the wood is only improving.

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