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How to paint a wooden floor

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High-quality wood floor has an interesting appearance, resistant to intense mechanical loads, improves heat and sound insulation of the room as a whole. But, of course, leaving the floors of wood, without additional finishing is impossible. Often for the treatment of floor covering used paint. It seems that just handle it. Only it's not quite true.

1. Floor preparation for painting works

In the first stage, wooden floors cleaned of dirt, dust, rock dust and sand, if they are present. It is permissible to carry out a full wet cleaning. Just do not use a lot of water. Cloth or sponge sure to carefully squeeze it to be only slightly damp.

Protruding fasteners driven into the wood deeper than that in the future they do not interfere. If before the floor was painted, it is necessary to clean up the old fabric. For example, a suitable metal brush. When the paint is held very firmly, will have to use a grinding machine.

2. Protective treatment wooden floor

As is known, wood quickly deteriorates in the presence of high humidity and when in contact with liquids. Paint itself can protect against such adverse effects, but it does not protects against mold. Therefore, in preparation for painting the floor should be treated with an antiseptic solution.

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Now it is easy to find a primer in which an antiseptic is added. Using this structure, the owner will solve two problems at once. After all, in the future he will not have to apply the new ground, to reduce the porosity of the wood.

3. Processing wood floor paint

On the wooden floor is easiest to apply paint, using a roller with a soft cloth. The first roller is not applied along the working board, and across, rubbing paint composition. When the applied paint is dry, a second coat is applied, is now - in the direction of stacking boards. In this case, it will be able to get the most presentable finish. Naturally, for the hard to reach places use a brush suitable width.

4. What to do after painting

Even if the paint dries in just a day, immediately ready for operation can not be sex. On it is undesirable to go at least another 3-4 days. The furniture in the room is only held in a week. If you create intense pressure on the paint layer prematurely, be sure to remain visible traces. But, following the recommendations of experts, each owner will be able to paint the wooden floors the maximum quality.

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