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Eliminate the smell of sewage from sinks, the shower tray and toilet. Master OK

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Picture 1.
Picture 1.

The unpleasant smell of sewage is caused by a problem in the plumbing and pipes inside the apartment or breach in the main riser. We will understand what and how we can affect, and what not.

I emphasize a situation where with integrity sewage okay and it does not leak on the pipe joints and plumbing connection points.

What is the source of the stench

Sewage "fragrance" may come from different places:

  • of openings of kitchen sink;
  • from the sink holes;
  • of bath opening;
  • from the tray opening;
  • from the toilet.

Sources more, but it is basic, so for them, and speak.

The main reason for the smell

All listed plumbing has direct access to the sewer from the air from which prevents water seal - conventional water tube. If we talk about the sink, sink, tub and tray, the water seal in them is formed in the bulb of the siphon (Photo 2), Where, due to design features of the water remains constant, and the water seal in the toilet due to structural bending also creates a kind of trap.

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If the siphon on the plumbing is not (as is also the case, for example, urinals), the air from the sewer pipe goes directly into the room.

So, until the water is stored in the siphon, the smell from the pipes come out can not, but if the water is completely or partially disappears, the smell immediately appears.

Picture 2. Kolb sink siphon, where water seal is created - water tube.
Picture 2. Kolb sink siphon, where water seal is created - water tube.

Why disappear a water seal

1. The water in the siphon can dry. It happens in long-term absence of owners owners, went to live to the country or elsewhere. Evaporated from all siphons and toilet water opens the door to the room polluted air.

Decision: open the taps to drain some water to it filled traps. Next time on the departure time is worth pozakryvat drain plug that comes bundled with the siphon and it will slow down evaporation.

2. Water drains from the siphon due to the arising of air dilution. You are merging in one fell swoop tank toilet or pour a bucket of water in it and flying away into the sewer flow creates a slight vacuum in the likeness of her. Since all the plumbing associated with the common pipe, this causes retraction in it water from the water seal under the sink or under the pallet. Water is pulled - the smell has gone.

Solution 1. First clean the siphon, or replace it with a similar, but larger bulb. The clogging or small siphon due to sediments and sludge is less and less water and drains it faster. It's the easy way out, but it does not always work.
Picture 3. Air valves for sewer pipe 50 mm and 110 mm.
Picture 3. Air valves for sewer pipe 50 mm and 110 mm.
Solution 2. Good clean drains in the apartment. Due to the accumulations of fat and the rest of the pipe diameter decreases, which also leads to an air underpressure when draining water. The smaller the air in the pipe, the faster the water drains from the flasks. Sometimes it helps to just replacing the pipes or the method described below.
Solution 3. Installing the air valve. This simple device can be placed and under the sink, and a bathroom, and near the toilet. Valves come in different sizes for tubes 50 and 110 mm and look differently. They work in low-pressure in the inlet, sucking the air out of the room and not letting him back.
Picture 4. A small air valve behind the toilet.
Picture 4. A small air valve behind the toilet.

3. Drain the water due to the vacuum in the main riser. You at home can all work exclusively, but because of the dilution air through the riser, for example, at the same time a powerful drain water in several apartments, and siphons water from the toilet bowl immediately leave. It is, of course, you can pour, but do it many times a day, no one will.

The difficulty may be due to the poor performance of sewer pipe in the House. And if it do not, then you need to follow the state of the upper end of the riser. If it is partially cover, cork, Sause or clogged with debris, the problem with the smell can touch all who is connected to the riser and to solve it we must place it in a sewer pipe exit on top of or in addition to put fans pipe.

Decision: Also helps the installation of the air valve for sewerage. Its better to be mounted on a sewer pipe or a common riser, but if it is difficult, it is necessary to perform the installation of the valve in the apartment, and so remove the dependency on the overall problem.

The article discusses only the basic situation, while many individual cases. However, if you grasp the principle of solving the problem with the smell, then it will always win.

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