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Mold and fungus in the bathroom? Perhaps the fact the door

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Today briefly about whether it is necessary to trim the door to the bathroom to reduce the humidity?

Indeed, is it worth? Of course, many of you will say why, if everything is normal and there is no reason to think about it. If so, then I am glad that you and sanitation everything is OK and it is thought that this post is not for you. However, a number of readers probably think of your bathroom and green remember about "flowers" on the wall and about inResistant and boring smell bloomAnd it is no exaggeration to trouble!

And some is "happiness" is happening in spite of the presence of tile: podtsvetayut corners, seams, walls and eats an abomination hoo like. I recently saw a familiar road antibacterial sealant at the junction pallet and the walls, which the fungus eaten for six months through! And what's advise, but to ventilate the room is better? In her case, it is obvious, since everything is closed waterproof lining and the door closes too canvas.

Retreat! Jews in the past according to the Law commanded: if
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Mold hit home and it was impossible to withdraw, it was necessary to knock out bricks infected, and if it did not work, it was necessary to destroy the house! It is no coincidence, since the fungi - the poison (the Bible. Leviticus Chapter 14. Verses 34-45).

Why Stith thought about the door?

Due to the features of the room ventilation, not "breathable" finishing and tight-fitting to the bath door stands moist air, especially in the corners, and gives moisture colder walls. And if something outlet is sealed, for example, non-working fan or just charred dust, it is not comme il faut!

The gap between the door threshold and of the order of 12 mm. It can be seen even that the bathroom light is turned on.
The gap between the door threshold and of the order of 12 mm. It can be seen even that the bathroom light is turned on.

I advise you to shoot without fear of the door leaf, and from him otchekryzhit just one centimeter. Below it remain invisible, and the benefits soon become evident.

In its simplest form solutions bathroom door can be kept permanently ajar, but there is no guarantee that you will be saved from the spread of odor in the other rooms. All friends who have decided to shorten the belt does not regret, it's not expensive, quickly and efficiently.

Clean cut can not be seen even from the inside.
Clean cut can not be seen even from the inside.

Better yet, those who are now at the stage door installation in sanitary block, then you do not interfere at all to do without pruning, just need to assemble and attach Lutkov sheds so that the door has risen slightly over the threshold and all will OK!

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