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How to protect the laminate flooring and prolong its service life - advice from our experts

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We will periodically publish articles with all sorts of useful, which we hope will be of interest to you and will benefit.

Today, one of the experts for many years professionally engaged in repair, tell you how to increase the durability of laminate (regardless of class) and nadolshe preserve its decorative appearance.

Laminate coating very popular in our time - it is much cheaper than wood, while its usability is not much inferior to natural materials. In appearance, this coat looks very aesthetically pleasing, and colors allows you to choose a shade absolutely any interior.

Protecting joints (hydro lock)

Locks any quality laminate are connected very tight, so that no gaps remain between them.

But there are special colorless sealants for use in this area.

When you may need additional protection of joints?

Use sealant to isolate and further strengthening is necessary in castles:

  • Stacking the laminate in high humidity.
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  • Repairs, designed for a long time.
  • Buy cheap laminate, which is not always the seams are closed very tightly.
  • In areas with high loads.

Usually bathrooms laminate nobody spreads - material not intended for use in such areas.

But it is used in the kitchen and not rare. However, in the kitchen, especially in the field of cleaning, the floor gets wet often.

Sealant locks needed to further protect the material from wetting. Pouring it locks at the dock, you gidroizoliruete panel. Water does not seep into the cracks and does not fall under the coverage. So, you can greatly extend its life.

As for areas with high load - is laminated with the treated interlocks not creak in due course, its seams do not disperse.
Sealants for laminate manufactured on the basis of acrylic or silicone. They are transparent and color (the color of the panels).

In its structure - it is not adhesive and elastic sealant. So no need to fear that you are tightly glued panels, so that they then have to only break or mar the surface, spilling it accidentally surplus.

Sealant hardens instantly and should be cleaned from the surface.

Protection laminate surface

Would you like your floor, finished with laminate always looked as good as new and is used for a long time? Use special safety equipment. Not permanently, of course, but from time to time.

So that helps to extend the durability of laminate:

1. Mastic. Just a great thing that is worth spending. Apply enough 1 time in 2-3 months. Means stores the color, protects from minor scratches, moisture, improves the durability of the fabric. Use mastic is easy - you just need to rub it clean laminate, then wait a little and remove the excess with a clean soft cloth.

2. Wax. This means a greater degree of recovery is for small lesions in the form of scratches, abrasions (for example, a chair or table legs).

The wax may be in the form of sticks, bars, pastes. Choose the color of wax is necessary in accordance with the color of the laminate. Means applied locally. It is rubbed into the damaged areas. Wax fills the crack formed and mask damage. Laminate will again look like new. Especially if then rub its mastic.

If you are interested to know more about these tools, such as a sealant or mastic what better what to look for when choosing, write about it in the comments. We will release the materials on these topics.

And what are you doing to protect the laminate flooring in my house? Share your secrets.

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