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New kitchen interior in just a few thousand. rubley👍 - is feasible. The photo was / was

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Some people feel comfortable in a stable environment, and do not like change, others constantly need something new. But what about when the transformation of the interior like in the kitchen, but the financial situation does not permit to make repairs and buy new furniture?

There is always a way out. The main thing that was a creative mood and desire.

Hope Murzin, the author of the photos, which we consider here, like changes in the kitchen, which eventually became her seem too boring.

The kitchen area is large, so you do not often see in the apartments. That's what had to rework the interior:

 Author photo: Hope Murzina
Author photo: Hope Murzina

Furniture brown once she was very fashionable. State average headset, use it even can not fall off anything.

It sets out a global not repair, the woman decided to transform the room with his hands. And for that she needed just paint. White and blue.

The woman just repainted facades changed handle. Just look at how the kitchen began to look after the alteration:

Author photo: Hope Murzina
Author photo: Hope Murzina
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But the work is not so limited.

To get as close to the kitchen of your dreams and to get noticed Scandinavian style Hope ordered a new wood countertop. Steel sink changed to black. Often the upper cabinets removed, and instead hung open shelf and TV.

Author photo: Hope Murzina
Author photo: Hope Murzina

And just take a look - the kitchen does not know how she renovated. Furniture like new.

Interior became stylish. Shelves with decorative objects also looks great.

Author photo: Hope Murzina
Author photo: Hope Murzina

I really liked the remake. And because it does not require a lot of finance. Repainting, replacing countertops and sinks cost several thousand. All other items of furniture household appliances remained the same, but look differently against the backdrop of renewed facades.

Photo for better comparisons as it was and as it became:

Author photo: Hope Murzina
Author photo: Hope Murzina

Great job! Woman fellow that followed the creative impulse, and was not afraid to change everything on its own.

Photo by: Hope Murzin, Source:

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