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Starting repairs in the apartment, think in advance, otherwise you will be sorry

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Starting repairs in the apartment, especially on their own, without the designers and designers, it is difficult to predict errors. They often climbs later when redo everything was too late. In such cases sometimes have to regret that not thought once cons. But it is not bump into difficulties, do not learn to identify them.

Our experts still want to save you from some mistakes and make recommendations about the things that are well worth to consider in advance, so you do not grab his head.

embossed wall

Relief patterns may contain wallpaper, cladding panels, decorative plaster. On the face of such walls can look very beautiful, but in use they are very impractical.

Especially if you live in a very dusty area. After a few months you will notice that the inside of these reliefs dusty. A scrub it out is very difficult. Many of those who made such walls, regret that they did not choose a smooth texture coating.

Blanking seal space under the bathroom

Some repairs can be seen that the bottom of the bath is completely laid with tiles or other material, laid completely sealed. Well, if you have left a window in the area drainage and piping. Sometimes it does not even make it.

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This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. If you have any problems with the pipes, repairers or the owners apartments will not be able to get quick access to breakage. Will have to break. Even a small window is not practical, since it does not allow to penetrate deep into the bath.

Terminations should be planned so that at any moment it was possible to gain access to the sanitary Communications. Today there are lots of aesthetic options to close the space.

Carpet under the skirting boards

Fashion on the floor carpet under the plinth was a few decades ago. But even today there are people who want the repair of a floor covering. Kovrolinovy ​​floor looks good. The interior looks cozy and warm. Walk on this floor is also nice.

However, such a decision to regret households begin very soon. Firstly, any liquid spilled on the carpet, dries long. If the apartment is cold and damp under the floor quickly be acquired mold. Secondly, under the carpet accumulates dust mass which can not be removed without removing it. Such an atmosphere promotes the development of allergies.

And if a family has young children, kovrolinovy ​​floor, laid under the baseboards, and it becomes a disaster at all. It quickly appeared various impurities that are difficult to remove. Spots especially food, become hotbeds of bacteria, the source of unpleasant odors. Be sure to consider all of this, if you think of a similar option.

The floors are dark in color

In certain style and design interiors dark floor looks very stylish. But if you are very clean and you do not have maids, you will soon regret, that the bed is too dark floor. It will be seen, each mote, mote, baby. Yes, and scratches on dark laminate, parquet, linoleum can be seen much more strongly. Bright floor coverings in this respect is much more practical.

Savings on underfloor heating

Sometimes the repair of the apartment owners are asked to build a warm floor in only one very cold room. Motivated decision to the high cost of electricity, which, in general, can be understood. But at such times people do not think that tomorrow their income may rise significantly and they can afford to pay many times more for utilities.

But again do the repair without the need to be unlikely. In such cases, always better to make a warm floor in all or most of the rooms and just regulate its use as far as possible. He's not asking to eat, and its installation cost is not so expensive to save her during the overhaul.

Rough tiles in the hallway or in the kitchen

Tiles with a rough surface prevents slip. This is important when a family has children or elderly people. But in the kitchen or in the hallway so the floor will quickly collect dirt and wash it much more difficult. Fat particles, food splashes in the kitchen and the traces of muddy boots in the hallway make you sweat. This flooring is best done in the bathroom, where you can really slipping. And for the other zones should choose a smooth tile.

The savings in finishing materials in the bathroom

There are washable acrylic paint, wall and budgetary PVC panels. They are suitable for finishing the bathroom and some choose them because of the economy. But do not count on such a long coating operation.

Paint, although declared as the most water-resistant, quickly starts skolupyvatsya under most city apartments, where winter is damp and cool.

Under the PVC panels are often mold factory, and they burst from the blows and quickly lose their original luster. Bathroom - a place where you want to save the least, not to have to remodel or repair disappointed in 2-3 years.

And how do you think these tips are really useful?

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