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Sweats bathroom mirror? There is a simple tool with which you will forget about the problem

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The problem of fogging the mirrors in the bathroom facing almost everyone. Even if the bathroom is well heated, still following the adoption of the water mirror the procedures covered in sweat and it is no longer possible to use. Even if it is wiped dry, it immediately mist over again. And so it will be as long as the temperature of the moist air from taking a hot shower or bath will not fall.

This is very inconvenient, especially for women who love after bathing in the mirror to make a variety of beauty treatments.

Of course, you can buy and use special defogger. They are sold in the form of sprays and aerosols and are focused more on the drivers. Indeed, in the cold, wet weather, they suffer from the same problem - the glass in the car from inside the sweat and make it difficult to review.

But there is a remedy that is certainly there in every house, where the man lives. And this is a common shaving foam.

First you need to wipe the glass dry. Then, just a small amount of foam to be applied to the glass and spread over the entire surface. After a 3 minutes, wipe the remnants of foam cloth - and you're done! Your mirror will not be sweating 3 days, even if the steam in the bathroom wall will stand. Unfortunately, the effect in such a method is not too long, however, as with special fluids. After a few days of the procedure should be repeated.

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"I was always irritated that after the adoption of the mirror fogged shower. I like to apply the lotion to the body and face cream immediately after the shower, and I need to do a large mirror, which hangs in our bathroom. There is good lighting and I love to do cosmetic procedures was beside him.
I had to open the bathroom, wait until it air out and then I was going to do his business. Now no such problem. Just treat foam mirror every 3 days. Spray husband do not use it expensive foam, he resents. I buy specially the cheapest, costs are very economical. I tried to take the gel, the effect is the same, but the rate is 2 times higher, so the foam is more profitable. "

No foam? Use shaving gel. Apply it on wet mirror so that it is easier distributed. Suitable for the treatment of the cheapest products for shaving, you can even use an expired, the effect of this is not reduced.

In the same way you can handle and the window in the kitchen which too often fog up in cold weather during cooking. Even boiling the kettle can cause condensation on the window near to the stove.

Here is such a simple life hacking, be sure to check it out in action and Share your experiences.

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