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Flowers in late autumn? How dangerous will turn to the cataclysm of the garden

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Since last year, the lilacs blooming in late autumn in the Tver region. photo by the author
Since last year, the lilacs blooming in late autumn in the Tver region. photo by the author


Prolonged warm weather was the reason that many perennials (and ornamental, and fruit) in bloom at the wrong time for yourself: in the late autumn. "Miracle" - she says, pointing to the screen of your smartphone fresh photos from the garden: that's a sprig of lilac blossomed, but still fragrant roses ...

But the reason to celebrate here, in fact, very little. Autumn flowering, uncharacteristic for a certain kind, can cause substantial harm to the health of plants. And this has a negative impact on the decorative and fruiting the following season. Let dismantle the points!

Everything has its time

Autumn Garden. This illustration and then taken from the Internet
Autumn Garden. This illustration and then taken from the Internet

The life of each plant is strictly subject to the laws of nature. This rigorous cycle of failures that lead to the not quite a good effect. Let's start with the safest of them.

Thus, during summer stocking plant nutrients. Potential painstakingly accumulated over the holiday season should be spent on the flowering and fruiting in the spring. But because of the fall flowering part of the resource is used in vain.

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On Rose Example

Plants need to sleep on time. And sleep time coincides with the cold
Plants need to sleep on time. And sleep time coincides with the cold

Flowering - that is to say, the peak of the growing season. All life processes are very fast.

Under ideal conditions, the offensive of colds in the rose they should to the maximum slow down. It helps to survive the freezing temperatures without loss. But if today was +15 ° C, and tomorrow the temperature will drop to -5 ° C, the plant will be baffled. As a result - freezing. Or individual shoots, or just a bush.

Autumn heat can leave the gardener without flowers and berries

Very often these sins lilac
Very often these sins lilac

It is no secret that the flower buds of next year have laid this summer. And, to no avail developing the autumn, they can not be restored until the spring.

Global harm in this. Plants simply "lured" warm autumn and spring. You just will not be counted hurried colors of the ovaries and in the following year. For example, strawberries, flowering before winter, then bring less food.

You have to be prepared for any weather vagaries and their consequences) If the article was of interest to you, please put back "Thumbs up" and subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks! Also I recommend that you read: Why neighbor harboring the beds for winter ordinary film: fertile land makes itself until spring

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