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Why in Europe believed that in Russia live only uneducated barbarians?

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This was especially true for the construction technology. We have built the all only made of wood. What are the reasons? Several of them. Build in Russia is not the stone house, and it was much easier and more cost-effective from a tree. And because the winters were always cold, even warmer. It is also influenced by traditions, no one wanted to explore new technologies.

These are the houses were built in Russia. Photo source:
These are the houses were built in Russia. Photo source:

1. Technology we are far behind Europe.

sorrowfullyBut in the period of 10 - 17 centuries, we trailed behind the rest of Europe in technology and education. In Italy and France were the first universities in the 11th century.

Huge stone buildings built in the West since the 13th century. And if you take Russia in 11-12 centuries, we have stopped the development of constant strife.

And in 12-15 centuries, were different invasions. In the 16th century was the "Time of Troubles". There was no schools or universities. All the skill of the people transferred only by inheritance.

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So that when Napoleon came to Moscow, then he burned it because it was all wood. Well, after the charter was adopted "on the stone house-building."

These are interesting figures were before. Photo source:
These are interesting figures were before. Photo source:

2. Strong cold.

In the old days we knew that in a stone house with no proper heating will be very cold, but in the wooden house with heating to solve the issues much easier.

That was our ancestors choice in one summer from a neighborhood tree cut down a house or a lot of years to handle stone and very thick walls to spread?

3. Tree in Russia was almost always in any quantity.

But the stone in such a quantity was not. We have different types of stone - from limestone to travertine. But the problem is that all these stones are very crisp, very hard to handle.

Let us not forget that the Pskov, Kiev and other cities were on the plains. And in places the right stone almost there. Interestingly, the temples we have built of white stone (this is a limestone rock).

And on this limestone greatly saved. 2 made of a number of stone, and the space within the filled usual stone kneaded with sand and clay.

But such houses were built at the same time in Europe. Photo source:
But such houses were built at the same time in Europe. Photo source:

Interesting fact: we now have the national pride of the Red Square and the Kremlin. But this Italian architecture.

At that time we were invited to the Milan architect. And he organized in Moscow, the first production of brick, from which built the walls of the Kremlin.

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