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Of these methods, removing old wallpaper, you may not have heard of. 4 proven reception

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To break - not to build! It will be so! If you apply at least one of the methods described below removing old wallpaper.

At the start of the repair, which involves the presence of the wallpaper in the house, tips for choosing the color, texture and "assembly" immeasurable amount. But if the situation is exactly the opposite? Are you tired of old wallpaper, and you want them to be replaced quickly as possible! But it is not sure that easily do the job. No problem! Today I picked up 4 easy ways to help you without any extra effort, nerves and financial expenses to remove old wallpaper.

Though the wallpaper, it is not a simple rug, a painting or a shelf, which is quite removed from the bindings and without consequences to finish the job. Nevertheless, there methods of dismantling them, you may be pleasantly surprised its elemental.

1.Mister proper. Popular, thanks to advertising on TV. And then, and its effectiveness in the home, detergents Mr. Proper and in this case will come to your aid! Prepare a container to use previously or simply use conventional spray. Pour it into warm water with the addition of Mr. Proper. A ratio of about 5: 1. Spray the solution on the old wallpaper, and let the time that they are well soaked. If the surface remains unchanged, repeat the procedure and soon you will notice how old wallpaper themselves begin to "move away" from the walls. At this point, you can speed up the process and applying at the same spatula.

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As a result - the old decoration material easily depart from the walls, without burdening you with more dust.

2.Vinyl wallpapers. Enough popular material because of its waterproof! Therefore, the method to spray for dismantling will not be quite appropriate, and inefficient. What to do? To try to remove the upper layer of the needle roller, with sandpaper or a grinding machine. The only machine to use the utmost care not to remove not only the wallpaper, but also the layer of finishing materials under them!

By the way, can and does remove a decorative layer, and the remaining flizeline film on the wall, will give you an excellent base for the new wallpaper.

3.Means for removing wallpaper. On a par with protective means to cover the wallpaper, there are also "antizaschitnye". This special liquid, solvent adhesives, facilitating the dismantling of old wallpaper. Funds are sold in finished form and in the form of an emulsion, which must be in proportion to dissolve in water. The principle is similar to the first reception.

Sponge or by spray is necessary to wet the surface, and after a short period of time to try to remove the wallpaper with spatula.

4.steam purifier. The method is not the cheapest, but it is the fastest! Walk across the device surface of the wall and after some 5 minutes, the wallpaper will be ready "to fall" in your hands! Be careful, as a strong flow of steam is able to damage the layer of fillers and plasters for wallpapers.

Fast, convenient and most importantly no chemistry.

Precautionary measures. Before proceeding to such an entertaining process: turn off the machine, supplies power to the electrical appliances (sockets, switches ...) as moisture can freely penetrate them. Be sure to cover the floor film.

After dismantling wallpaper rinse well wall sponge moistened with the soapy water, to remove the final adhesive.

Previously published materials:

How to make so you do not regret or 6 classic mistakes made when pasting the walls with wallpaper. their decisions
Why I did not throw the remnants of wallpaper after repair. 5 practical ideas

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