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Fence of the decorative blocks. Start laying the first row

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Manufactured slightly less than half of the calculated amount for the fence blocks. Half of typesetting - to the poles. And on the two rows of wall. The rest of the wall will be purchased. I decided to start to spread that would make space and to diversify the work.

He transferred blocks and put in each column on their mind. They are slightly different. There are internal (which will be adjacent wall blocks), there is extreme (with three decorative surfaces and chamfers). And with four decorative hand - is a pillar between the gate and the gate.

The first corner post. Whatever solution is right is not squeezed out of the blocks - limited shtapikami. After laying - clean and check the level. Ideally, use a metal pipe of square section. But I need to shell out only one series. For the above blocks will prepare template - application of the solution will be even faster.

Set of tools. I forgot to take a rubber mallet. This time horizon is carefully regulated with a hammer through a wooden block.

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The solution was mixed into the concrete mixer in a proportion of 3 to 1: three parts sand to 1 part cement. Water is necessary to add a little more than concrete with pebble filled. And do not get mixed up too much - he quickly grasped, and it has to be stirred. At this time, I mixed the screwdriver with the addition of water to the cement.

Stacking bars 1,5h1,5 solution per cm. Here on a marking block should be above.

The surfaces of the concrete blocks and tape it is necessary to wet with water, otherwise they will pull water from the solution and it attains the necessary strength.

It is difficult to raise the blocks above your head and putting it on a pole. At one point it had to do with the ladder.

He passed to the second side of the tape - on the left of the goal. 11 pillar laid blocks fast enough.

He suffered a wall blocks. I pulled rope guide and as a extra level horizon.

Prior to that, the blocks never worked. But it was the experience of brick masonry. Not to say that it turns out perfectly.

In extreme flight left a little space, which is filled with cut-off from the block piece.

At this masonry finished - it was necessary to clean and wash drenched blocks earlier. I clean them on the expiration day.

On the first weekend decided to upgrade removable blockouts for concrete lining on pillars. They wrote about in previous articles. I bought a plastic ventilation element:

It just required width - 60 mm. I sawed and put into existing wood, which are very difficult to remove in the first game:

A couple of pieces is not enough - they made "shirt" from scraps.

After cleaning, do not look worse than the first batch. After a set of minimum durability will look like will be removed. In the manufacture of these pads is time consuming. I decided to deal with them when I have finished with the main unit.

Acquired respirator. Because when cleaning the dust flies. But it is hard work in the heat.

Ready four blocks composing pillars. Total today they made 57 pcs., And need 110 pcs.

Read the following article: Why in the US are only built frame houses?


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