Bath with his hands. Installation of metal and the final cost of the season
Come November. First snow, which fell out, melted, and the temperature was more or less comfortable. To finish the construction, at the weekend called on his brother help. It was necessary to finish the first installation of lathing. I decided to immediately sew gables and cornices from the gables. Otherwise, then it would be one that's very difficult to do.
This stage of the work done fast enough. But wrong in terms of installation of the roof. After installing the trusses, it was necessary to dig a film waterproofing, e.g. Izospanom. Then on top of the film on the rafter nail bars, and on top of their already nailed crate. Such technology would allow to drain into the condensate drains and thawing locks blew in the roofing sheets of snow.
As I understood from my description of - because I did not fully study the topic. As an excuse for themselves: loft bath I did not residential, not a critical mistake for this structure.
As it turned out, in strong wind still blowing a little bit of snow in the metal lock. So this design should be compulsory for all pitched roofs.
The next day started the installation of metal. It was purchased in advance:
Metal RAL6005 (0,5h1180h1550) - 33 pcs.;
Ridge Area, profile) 2.5 m - 3 pcs.;
Gables strip of 2.5 m - 5 pieces, screws -. 340 pcs.
Color of metal - green moss. From the presence in the market in different colors - the most liked. Brown did not want to, seemed bleak.
What materials I considered for a roof?
Slate. Last century. Material ephemeral. After 30 years, it comes into disrepair, crack and crumble. I know from the experience of the village houses.
Ondulin. Do not like the fact that he very quickly fades. Green - dull color.
shingles. Complex assembly of the roof and an increased amount of material for it.
Therefore, the most appropriate according to the criteria: price, durability, aesthetics and ease of installation is a fancy metal.
We do not have time to finish the second side - after dark. It left two cover sheets, which has mounted already own the other day. He came alone. Therefore, for the evening I was able to tie the only two sheets.
Fasten sheets of cordless screwdrivers with the bat with a magnet - especially for roofing screws.
By November 11 the snow fell and the cold. Arriving with an employee planning to tie the skate of the profile on the roof. But the frost protector with the profile is not removed. Somehow I managed to clear one to tie it and close the openings of windows roofing material. On this construction site I decided to mothball until next season.
Very helpful weather in autumn 2010. at this stage of construction. Fall was excellent dry and high temperatures.
So, what costs have been at this stage?
Not all rows in the cost estimate 2010. A lot of them, do not see much point in showing the daily cost of labor assistant. I place the screen simply with a final figure of the table. But let me remind you that this amount - this is the cost to the cost of the entire instrument and a container for storing utensils and mixer.
gasoline costs, I thought of the average: 200r. over 80 km roundtrip.
In this season of 2010. was closed. The following year, planned to start the installation of windows and doors, interior decoration, installation of eaves and gutters. The works are not as global, but they are many and in monetary terms they are as expensive as the cost of the wall material.
Read more: Construction bath. Self-assembly and thermal insulation of floors
Read from the beginning: Why I decided to build a house?
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