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Compound of copper and aluminum. What electricians are in no hurry to talk about

Compound of copper and aluminum. What electricians are in no hurry to talk about

Hello, friends.For those who are waiting for some provocations, I will say right away - they will...

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Plumber's trick. Street ball valve will no longer burst in the cold

Plumber's trick. Street ball valve will no longer burst in the cold

Hello, friends.Once during a conversation with a plumber, I complained to him that the street wat...

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The hardware store could not find a suitable bracket. The golden weight saved the day

Hello, friends.You, of course, already know about my love for non-standard constructive solutions...

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A clever way to keep beets fresh until May

A clever way to keep beets fresh until May

Hello everyone! At night, the first frosts descend, which means that it's time to start harvestin...

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The subscriber told how she got rid of the mice in the house forever 👀👀

In the fight against mice, no means have been tried. From humane to downright sadistic:laid out d...

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A 7-year-old child told me about Murphy's laws: it turned out that they also apply to construction and repair

A 7-year-old child told me about Murphy's laws: it turned out that they also apply to construction and repair

I was talking to my 7-year-old nephew a couple of weeks ago, and the boy asked me if I had heard ...

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Scandinavians invented an inexpensive stove that will heat and feed in any frost

Whenever residents of the Moscow region (and the entire central part of Russia) complain about ha...

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Why do pensioners "plow" in the country and why is this a path to nowhere?

Why do pensioners "plow" in the country and why is this a path to nowhere?

My neighbors are two deeply retired people, whose faces I hardly know. And it's not about the fen...

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A way to lay tiles without crosses: a beginner can do it too

Anyone who, at least once in his life, laid tiles in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen on his own, ...

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Why can they repair Khrushchevs only in Kaliningrad?

Why can they repair Khrushchevs only in Kaliningrad?

It just so happened, during my life I was passing through and on business in many cities. Of cour...

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The most stupid way to insulate a balcony and heat it in winter

The most stupid way to insulate a balcony and heat it in winter

Of course, everyone has their own level - someone is capable of doing incredible things with thei...

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#yabbid: portable Finnish stove for summer cottages, hunting and fishing

Hello everyone! During his last (not the last) trip to the Scandinavian countries, he got acquain...

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