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Column is a possible cause of slab crack. I demolish the entire structure, and try (at least somehow) to strengthen the overlap.

Column is a possible cause of slab crack. I demolish the entire structure, and try (at least somehow) to strengthen the overlap.

Yes, we are such self-builders... First we build, then we remodel. I hope these are the minimum l...

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When is regular foam better than "untwisted" EPS? I take the first steps in roof insulation and explain my choice.

When is regular foam better than "untwisted" EPS? I take the first steps in roof insulation and explain my choice.

Maybe it seemed to me that way, but ordinary polystyrene is not in great demand these days. And i...

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I planted the wrong marigolds in the garden

I planted the wrong marigolds in the garden

She treated the marigolds loving and not loving. Recently I have not planted in the garden, and n...

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Spied a neighbor using a glue gun. Did the same - my wife is happy, I save

Spied a neighbor using a glue gun. Did the same - my wife is happy, I save

Hello, friends.Here's one way to use an alternative glue gun. In this case, the pistol, of course...

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The next use of a solution with "liquid glass". I make minimal protection for the basement insulation.

The next use of a solution with "liquid glass". I make minimal protection for the basement insulation.

Insulating a foundation is one thing. And now all this needs to be preserved. After all, the fini...

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Two foams from different companies. I try both with insulation, and I try to understand: "What's the difference?"

Two foams from different companies. I try both with insulation, and I try to understand: "What's the difference?"

A bunch of names, different characteristics and prices... Sometimes this abundance is more proble...

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A clever way to lay tiles or tiles without crosses

Anyone who, at least once in his life, laid tiles in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen on his own, ...

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#yabbid: portable Finnish stove for summer cottages, hunting and fishing

Hello everyone! During his last (not the last) trip to the Scandinavian countries, he got acquain...

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The most stupid way to insulate a balcony and heat it in winter

The most stupid way to insulate a balcony and heat it in winter

Of course, everyone has their own level - someone is able to do incredible things with their own ...

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An ancient Russian way of treating boards from decay, which is already 400-500 years old

An ancient Russian way of treating boards from decay, which is already 400-500 years old

For those who live in remote villages, this method is probably familiar from childhood: in the ya...

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A way to get rid of mice so that the gray ones do not approach the house for a kilometer🏠

We did not use whatever methods, trying to defend our wooden house with a high ventilated undergr...

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How to make a modern interior even in a wooden house?

When guests enter our house, many are first surprised at the atmosphere of a wooden house. Someon...

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