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Film windows. How did they really help in my house?

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Passing some construction sites, I have repeatedly noticed that the windows are covered with a film. But didn’t think why they do it?

Of course, when the entire construction budget is planned out correctly, and you have all the finances available, this question does not arise.

But for me, after the roof was erected, the construction process slowed down a little. And all precisely because of the difficulty with money. But this is a temporary question, and not about that now ...

The bottom line is that the box of the house was left without windows and doors for a long time.

It didn't really bother me. The main thing is there is a roof, nothing gets wet and it's good. But that's what I thought until in February, suddenly, winter came.

I wrote an article about how for one night, our little town was covered with snow. And besides the fact that I barely made my way to my site, the house was not much better than the street.

Snow is all around, and in some places there are almost snowdrifts. This is where I realized that closing the windows is simply necessary. And I immediately remembered all those houses, with windows hung with film.

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I had to do it at home.

I still have the film from pouring the foundation(covered it from the rains), and scraps of boards, also heaps... 😁

The process is not difficult, but difficulties arise in windy weather. It was at this moment that I got there. And when you do everything alone, then you need to show the wonders of acrobatics.

But the design turned out to be unreliable.

Poorly fixed, the film is old, strong winds... You can find many reasons, but the next day, many corners crawled out and broke. No matter how much I tried to repair it, it was still not enough for a long time.

But although with holes, these "windows" cope with their task, and inside the house is dry. But normal windows should be installed as soon as possible ...

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