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Planted cabbage? It's time to save her from a cabbage flea beetles, cabbage to get healthy

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Hello, hardworking gardeners.

Summer series of articles will not do without information of pests. Agree, both offensively when the labor of man corrupts another bug! It's time to make sure that did not happen.

The hero of today's publication - crucifer fleaEssentially any harmful in the garden cabbage, radish, turnip and rape. In our village it is called "cabbage flea beetles"Because that's what this vegetable gets more than others.

You will learn what steps to take to prevent damage to crops. And yet - how to deal with insects, if he still took a fancy to the landing at the cottage.

Who's crucifer flea and how it is harmful

Flea at work. Photo:
Flea at work. Photo:

Placing his hand on the heart (or rather look into the biological reference), can be called the cabbage pest shrimp. And it is true - it is to this subfamily include insect. It belongs to the family of leaf beetles that already hints at the damage to cabbage.

The pest is very small and hardly noticeable to the naked human eye. Length adult calf is only 3 mm. Winter in the upper layer of the earth, spring cabbage flea feeds on weeds first.

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And then, when you plant radishes or cabbages, insidious insect moved closer to his favorite treat.

Adult cabbage flea as its larvae, cabbage nibbles sheets. Adult Kocani they are unlikely to significantly harm, apart from aesthetic defects (holes in the leaves). A young seedlings may begin to lag behind in growth or simply die.

How to prevent infection of cabbage fleas?

Unpleasant work pests. Photo:
Unpleasant work pests. Photo:

The problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Try to adhere to the following Recommendations for prevention infection favorite beds Cruciferous fleas:

  • Try to weed a bed even at a time until it is not yet planted crop plants. Pay special attention to weeds from cruciferous (e.g., shepherd's purse).
  • Flea likes dry air and heat. Therefore, try to regularly watered cabbage in warm weather without rain.
  • The method of the comments on "Lizok Rzhevskaya" "Flea also does not like the smell ammonia. I add it to 50 ml per 10 l bucket and watered cabbage. It acts both as a foliar fertilizing "

It is said that the neighborhood with garlic and onion repels flea. Ostensibly she does not like the pungent smell. But in practice, this advice works poorly. Anyway, that year, I planted radishes on a bed of garlic and "ate".

What to do if already chosen by Flea cabbage

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It offers a large inventory of chemicals, insecticides. For example, "Aktar" and "aktellik". But for obvious reasons, most of the farmers are to use toxic "heavy artillery" with caution. And I fully understand!

Safe alternative - biological drug "Aktofit" and the like, for example, "aversectin". This is not advertising, but just for reference.

folk remedy against a cabbage flea and environmentally sound - a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust in equal parts. Powdered her cabbage and the soil around it. The article was useful? Please put "Thumbs up!" Thanks. Also I recommend that you read: What else can you sow in June, the country immediately to the ground and What kind red bug on a lily and as the fight to save the flowers

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