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An unexpected use of mustard and ammonia. Using them as a detergent, bleach and water softener

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I recently learned this method from a neighbor. When talking to her, she told me about how she bleaches laundry and washes woolen clothes. The method seemed just unexpected. I also decided to apply this method to linen. The result amazed me.

The essencemethod

This method requires water and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. The latter must be dissolved in hot water and left for a few minutes. Then strain the solution through cheesecloth to remove large particles, dilute again in water, soak the laundry, for example, kitchen towels with grease stains.

Then it is necessary to wash the products as usual in powder. Then the towels will be like new. Lingerie with yellow color will become snow-white.

The whitening effect will be most noticeable if you add a little ammonia to the mustard powder while soaking.

Facilitiesforwoolenof things

The following ingredients are used to restore fibers and make woollens soft:

water - 10 l;

washing powder - 50 grams;

salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;

1 tablespoon of ammonia and three percent hydrogen peroxide.

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All the ingredients are added to water, stirred and put in the basin, things that are kept in solution for about 5 hours. Then they are slightly wrung out (you cannot twist it) and sent to the washing machine, setting a special washing mode for woolen items.

But it is better to wash such products by hand. If things are made of mohair, then you can add a few drops of glycerin to the water.

Woolen items can also be washed with mustard; no washing powder is required. Here's another recipe. To do this, take a glass of mustard powder, dissolve it in a small amount of water, stir until a mushy mixture is formed.

Then the mass should be rubbed through cheesecloth to get rid of large particles. Next, you need to add 10 liters of water with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, stir and do not touch the solution for 2 hours so that the mustard settles to the bottom.

Drain the top layer and add hot water. The resulting solution can be used to wash woolen products. Moreover, the water temperature should not be higher than 35 degrees during washing.

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