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Healing aloe juice - what diseases does it help and how to take it inside?

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Among my favorite plants are not only beautiful, pleasing to the eye, but also useful. One of them is aloe. You've probably heard about its beneficial properties.

But not everyone knows why aloe is useful, what diseases it helps to cope with and how to use it correctly. I am telling you everything you need to know about the healing properties of the juice of this plant.

What health problems can aloe juice help solve?

The juice of this plant contains a number of substances necessary for the body: vitamins A, C, B vitamins, folic acid, magnesium, iron and sodium.

Thanks to this, it helps to cope with many diseases:

  • Many skin problems such as itching, irritation, inflammation, the effects of various mechanical injuries (wounds, cuts, scrapes) and minor chemical burns can be cured by using the juice for external application. It also moisturizes the skin, helps its regeneration, thereby pushing back the appearance of signs of aging.
  • Taking aloe juice inside can help cope with cardiovascular diseases, many problems with the gastrointestinal tract (heartburn, dyspepsia, gastritis). It also helps lower blood sugar levels, which is necessary for diabetes.
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  • In order to cope with gum disease, mouthwash is used with juice from the leaves of this plant.

How to properly consume aloe juice

I use the juice of my plants, which I have at home. I get it as follows: I cut off a few leaves (middle or lower). Then I rinse them in warm water and squeeze through clean gauze. I definitely dilute the resulting juice!

You cannot use it in its pure form. I usually use water or rosehip decoction for the mixture. I add 15-20 drops to 200 ml of water or broth. For external use, you can also use pure juice, but it is better to dilute it with water 1: 1.

In order to cure a cough, mix juice and fresh honey in a 1: 2 ratio. Dilute this with water and take twice a day.

You can also prepare an alcoholic infusion, which is used to treat stomach diseases. To do this, mix 4 parts of alcohol and 1 part of fresh juice, leave for a month.

It is also consumed diluted with water twice a day. You cannot take it on an empty stomach!

If you do not have aloe plant at home, you can buy its juice or preparations based on it at the pharmacy. But I prefer home remedies: they are guaranteed to be preservative free.

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