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Useful properties of Honeysuckle, which not everyone knows about. That is why I Recommend to grow this Berry to every gardener

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On my site, there are three different varieties of honeysuckle at once, and it's not just cross-pollination. The neighbors consider this shrub to be practically garbage - the berries fall off easily, sometimes they taste bitter.

They are stored literally for a day, therefore, they require immediate processing. But I don't really ask them what to plant.

Honeysuckle is my secret weapon, some of its useful properties are not even known to my neighbors.

1. Maturing term

Of course, the neighbors know that honeysuckle ripens early. But they use this valuable property for pampering: pick a handful of berries, put them in your mouth, look at the purple tongue. Personally, I found varieties from which the crop does not crumble, I especially like Amphora and Morena.

It is easy to collect, all of it is literally in front of me: a bush as tall as a man. Half a bucket of berries is collected from one bush.

Honeysuckle is better than pharmacy complex vitamins, it contains almost everything, and even in an accessible form:

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● carotenoids;

● pectins;

● anthocyanins;

● ascorbic acid;

And the most valuable thing: complex B and iron. A cup of fresh berries covers the daily need with a margin.

While the skeptical neighbors bring imported cherries from the market for half a thousand rubles, my family is eaten away by honeysuckle.

Iron reserves in the blood are restored, the vessels become stronger. My eyes no longer blush from working at the computer, my husband gets rid of the mesh of blood vessels on his face.

And for women's health, honeysuckle is what the doctor ordered to replace the regular iron loss.

2. Not the same berries

The benefits of honeysuckle aren't just in berries. The shrub is more active than other plants, all of its parts are recruited with useful substances accumulated in the ground after rest, earlier than others.

● juice of fresh berries heals wounds, it can be used to lubricate scratches, psoriasis and ulcers, unpleasant manifestations disappear in a couple of weeks;

● Flowers and leaves of honeysuckle have properties to destroy germs and relieve swelling. They also rinse the throat, wash out inflammations, including eye.

The leaves are harvested during the flowering period, you need a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour in a thermos. Inside, they consume no more than 3 tablespoons per day;

● branches and bark insist against edema, to treat the intestines. You need a tablespoon of bark in a glass of cold water. Boil over low heat for half an hour.

3. Honeysuckle storage

Spectacular compotes or jelly are obtained with this berry, but the easiest way is to freeze it.

It is perfectly stored, and after defrosting it does not lose either taste or nutrients. In the freezer, it will stay until the time of prefabricated compotes.

But the most important thing is that she will wait for the period of February beriberi in order to take care of the family members like a tender sun.

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