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How to properly dilute phytosporin for greater effectiveness.

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In recent years, many gardeners have successfully used phytosporin in the fight against fungi and other diseases. Biofungicide is not so easy to use, because it is very important first of all to properly dilute it with water and obtain an effective solution.

Fitosporin is a capricious drug: how to properly dilute and use phytosporin.

The phytosporin packaging only says how much water is required to dilute a certain amount of the drug. In fact, there are a huge number of nuances, without which the biofungicide solution will be completely useless for plants.

You should know that this drug is based on a spore culture - hay bacillus. Many people dilute fungicides with cold water so as not to kill the spores.

But in fact, you need to use hot, but not boiled water. Hay stick feels great even in very hot water, which does not harm it at all.

Another important point: in no case take tap water, as it contains chlorine, which has a very bad effect on hay sticks. It is best to draw water from a well or a column. Some experienced summer residents collect snow and melt it.

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Melt water is just perfect for breeding phytosporin. Moreover, the drug can be diluted beforehand and stored in a jar in the form of a solution for up to six months.

After a longer period of time, the number of beneficial microorganisms in the solution will decrease and phytosporin will not be as effective.

In order for the hay stick to multiply, molasses is added to the solution. Eating this product, the stick feels great and waits for the moment when the plants are treated with it in order to start acting.

Some gardeners add liquid fertilizers to the phytosporin solution: "Biohumus", "Uniflor Rost" and others. For two liters of solution, it is enough to add 50 ml of fertilizer so that the hay bacillus actively begins to multiply, increasing the effectiveness of the biofungicide.

When buying phytosporin, pay attention to its quality: do not buy the drug from your hands, but it is best to buy biofungicide in specialized stores.

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