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When the cucumbers are blooming, I run to the pharmacy: it's time to make a top dressing, which will increase the yield by 1.5-2 times

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Fiery fireworks, fellow gardeners!

Want to harvest more crops from your cucumber patch? Once during flowering, feed with a special solution aimed at increasing the number of ovaries and the growth of large, strong fruits. After reading the note to the end, you will learn what to buy at the pharmacy, how to prepare it correctly and, most importantly, how to effectively use my miracle remedy.

Looks promising, right?
Looks promising, right?

Let's make an agreement on the shore. The use of top dressing, which I, cucumber comrades, share with you, is not a magic wand. To harvest in buckets, you must not forget about other growing rules.. Fertile soil, tedious weeding, important watering... Well, you all know it yourself without me.

I am writing here only about the spraying recipe, which increases the number of ovaries from the number possible under the same conditions. What are the conditions for cucumbers, it's the master's business. But top dressing works, I have been using it for several years. So this year I looked at the site to process:

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There is no sun, no wind. Ideal time for foliar feeding!

The main ingredient of a miraculous (I think!) Feeding is such an important trace element for all plants as boron. Unfortunately, a rare fertilizer for the garden can boast of its presence in the composition. But boron directly affects the number of productive ovaries and their further development.

Therefore, when cucumbers bloom, I feed them with boric acid once.. To prepare the solution, we only need water (10 liters - a standard bucket) and a bag of boric acid. The latter is sold in any pharmacy, and sometimes on the shelves of shops with a dacha theme.

An excellent competitor to all "Zavazam", which, moreover, is more expensive.

The last time I bought boric acid for cucumbers at the price of 15 rubles. From 10 grams of powder, you can prepare so much solution that it will be enough to fill in all the plantings in an average garden)

From the author: Let me remind you that boron has a wonderful effect on all plants. Therefore, feel free to spray everything in which you need to increase the number of ovaries. And even decorative flowers respond with a set of buds. I noticed that my roses especially liked the dressing.

But, of course, we don't need that much. I will write a clear recipe for cooking - save, record and use, comrades!

Favorite Zelentsy. Let's crunch?
If ovaries appear on your cucumbers, but soon fall off, subscribe to my channel at the bottom of the article. Soon I will write detailed material, why this happens and how to get rid of the misfortune

1. The first step is to measure the amount of boric powder. For 10 liters, a modest pinch of 2-3 grams is quite enough.

I wondered for a long time how to count the required amount without weights. Until my husband suggested: divide the entire contents of the bag in half, then each half - another half. This will make 1/4, that is, 2.5 grams. What do you need! And the leftovers can be poured back into the bag. But I throw it away - you can always buy more.

This is what boric acid powder looks like, which is useful for the growth of cucumber ovaries.

2. Now you need to thoroughly dissolve the crystals. It is easier to do this in a glass of warm water, stirring with a spoon. Then it just remains to pour it into 10 liters of water.

3. From the general container, I draw water into an ordinary hand-held spray bottle and go to my cucumber beds. Someone uses a special technique, and my neighbor even uses the folk version - she dips a broom into a bucket and waves over the landings.

4. Let me remind you that for spraying any plants it is better to choose dry weather without wind, and you can add a little soap to adhere the drops to the leaves. The ideal time of day is evening.

I noticed that after such feeding, the number of cucumbers removed from the garden increases. Try it!

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