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A double-edged sword: SNT can become settlements

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More than a third of Russian gardeners do not want to belong to gardening or dacha associations. The current situation requires changes in legislation. The first step has been taken - on the territory of SNT it is allowed to build houses for permanent residence. Now we need to create a system that will allow to assign the status of a settlement to garden associations.

Photo source: Yandex. Pictures
Photo source: Yandex. Pictures


At the moment, another mechanism is functioning: SNT may become part of an already existing nearby village or city. But this is a rather time-consuming work, since it is necessary to approve a new one or change the functioning general plan of the village or district; as well as planning schemes for the municipality where the SNT is located. It should be understood that some of the horticultural associations are located on agricultural land, and this is a problem. To change the status of SNT to a settlement, it is necessary to transfer agricultural land to the category of land of settlements, which is a long process.

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Photo source: Yandex. Pictures
Photo source: Yandex. Pictures

Some summer residents already today wish to join the municipalities and there are successful examples of such procedures: in the city of Zhukovsky MO, all garden non-profit partnerships located near the city joined its borders. According to summer residents, such a step will allow obtaining vital infrastructure within walking distance, as well as putting partnerships in the place of government.


Legislators are developing a mechanism to transform a gardening partnership into a community.

Oleg Valenchuk, Deputy of the State Duma. Photo source: Yandex. Pictures
Oleg Valenchuk, Deputy of the State Duma:
"The work on the development of a mechanism for giving the territory of SNT the status of a new settlement is being carried out by the State Duma with the participation of the Union of Russian Gardeners. We have to clearly define the criteria under which the territory of the partnership will have every reason to receive the status of a settlement. But it is necessary to understand for what purposes each specific partnership makes such a transition, because there are not only positive aspects, but there is always a downside. "

Pros and cons of converting SNT into a residential village

As Nikita Chaplin, the first deputy chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, explained, the entry of SNT into the structure of the municipality will give the following advantages:

  • no contributions;
  • no tax for common land;
  • construction of roads and lighting at the expense of the municipality.
Photo source: Yandex. Pictures

But it will not do without drawbacks, which include:

  • rise in price of the cadastral value of plots and buildings (approximately 15–20%);
  • raising taxes;
  • the direct ban on VRI of individual sections will be lost;
  • the entrance to the territory will be free (the entrances to the SNT will have to be freed from the gate).

Are you waiting for this law or are you satisfied with the existing mechanism for joining SNT to the villages? Write in the comments!

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